24541414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141 2 [प्र. १८ ] भगवन् ! जम्बूद्वीप में कितने लाख नदियाँ पश्चिमाभिमुख होती हुई लवणसमुद्र में
farcit ? $ [3.] nitas ! 0,76,000 (aura ma gisa Fore) feat afgerantie state
लवणसमुद्र में मिलती हैं। $1 FH SORT PELETI Do Brita got 49,,000 +19,76,000 = 98,48,000 (alca ACT छप्पन हजार) नदियाँ हैं।
158. (1) Khand, (2) Yojan, (3) Varsh, (4) Parvat, (5) Koot, (6) Teerth, 7) Shrenis, (8) Vijaya, (9) Draha, and (10) Rivers. This is the collative verse of the topics discussed in this Sutra.
[Q. 1] Reverend Sir ! In case Jambu island (of one lakh yojans) is divided into regions equal in size of Bharat continent (526 yojan and sixnineteenth of yojan) of Jambu island, how many regions can carried out in ?
Gautam ! According to arithmatic relation, it can be divided into 190 regions.
[Q. 2] Reverend Sir ! What is the area of Jambu island mathematically in yojans ?
[A.) Gautam! The area of Jambu island is seven billion nine hundred and five million six hundred ninety four thousand one hundred i and fifty yojans.
[Q. 3] Reverend Sir ! How many are the continents (Varsh Kshetras) " in Jambu island ?
(A.) There are seven continents in Jambu island. They are (1) Bharat, (2) Airavat, (3) Haimavat, (4) Hairanyavat, (5) Harivarsh, (6) i Ramyakavarsh, and (7) Mahavideh. 1 (Q. 4] Reverend Sir ! How many are broad (Varshadhar) mountains,
high (Mandar) mountains, Chitrakoot mountains, Vichitrakoot mountains, Yamak mountains, Kanchanak mountains, long (Vakshaskar) mountains, long Vaitadhya mountains and round (Vritt) Vaitadhya mountains in Jambu island ?
(A.) Gautam ! In Jambu island, there are six Varshadhar mountains, one Mandar mountain, one Chitrakoot mountain, one Vichitrakoot mountain, two Yamak mountains, two hundred Kanchanak mountains, twenty Vakshaskar mountains, 34 long Vaitadhya mountains and four | जम्बूद्वीप प्रज्ञप्ति सूत्र
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Jambudveep Prajnapti Sutra
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