15 curtain of ignorance. You have completely overcome the instructs of 4
attachment and hatred. You have all the knowledge of sentiments of attachment and the like. As such you show the path of conquering such feelings of attachment and hatred. You have conquered the ocean of life and death of the mundane world and help others in doing so. You have attained true spiritual knowledge and provide the same to others. You have removed all the bondage of karma and tell others the method of clearing such a bondage. You are omniscient and have perfect condition. You have reached that liberated state which is totally meritorious, stable, free from disturbance, endless, free from destruction, free from obstacles and from where one does not have to re-incarnate in the mundane world. To such perfect souls I bow.
My obeisance to the founder of the spiritual path, to the lord desirous of attaining the state of liberation. I bow from here to the Tirthankar ___who is at his birth place. May the lord look at me from there. Saying so,
he bows to the lord. Later facing east, he sits on his throne. ॐ जन्मोत्सव की तैयारी PREPARATION FOR BIRTH CELEBRATIONS
१४८. [२] तए णं तस्स सक्कस्स देविंदस्स देवरण्णो अयमेवारूवे जाव संकप्पे , समुप्पज्जित्था-उप्पण्णे खलु भो जम्बुद्दीवे दीवे भगवं तित्थररे, तं जीअमेयं तीअपच्चुप्पण्णमणागयाणं सक्काणं देविंदाणं, देवराईणं तित्थयराणं जम्मणमहिमं करेत्तए, तं गच्छामि णं अहं पि भगवओ तित्थगरस्स जम्मणमहिमं करेमि त्ति।
कटु एवं संपेहेइ २ ता हरिणेगमेसिं पायत्ताणीयाहिवइं देवं सद्दावेति २ त्ता एवं वयासी-खिप्पामेव भो देवाणुप्पिआ ! सभाए सुधम्माए मेघोघरसिअं गम्भीरमहुरयरसदं जोयणपरिमण्डलं सुघोस सूसरं घंटे 5 तिक्खुत्तो उल्लालेमाणे २ महया महया सद्देणं उग्घोसेमाणे २ एवं वयाहि-आणवेइ णं भो सक्के देविंदे : देवराया, गच्छइ णं भो सक्के देविंदे देवराया जम्बुद्दीवे दीवे भगवओ तित्थयरस्स जम्मणमहिमं करत्तिए, तं ॥
तुब्भे विणं देवाणुप्पिआ ! सब्बिद्धीए, सव्वजुईए, सबबलेणं, सबसमुदएणं, सव्वायरेणं, सव्वविभूईए, ॐ सबविभूसाए, सबसंभमेणं, सव्वणाडएहिं, सब्बोवरोहेहिं, सव्वपुष्फ-गन्धमल्लालंकारविभूसाए,
सव्वदिव्वतुडिअ-सद्दसण्णिणाएणं, महया इद्धीए, जाव रवेणं णिअयपरिआल-संपरिवुडा सयाइं २ . जाणविमाण-वाहणाई दुरूढा समाणा अकालपरिहीणं चेव सक्कस्स (दविंदस्स देवरण्णो) अंति पाउब्भवह।
तए णं से हरिणेगमेसी देवे पायत्ताणीयाहिवई सक्केणं एवं वुत्ते समाणे हद्वतुट्ठ जाव एवं देवोत्ति के आणाए विणएणं वयणं पडिसुणेइ २ ता सक्कस्स ३ अंतिआओ पडिणिक्खमइ २ त्ता जेणेव सभाए क सुहम्माए, मेघोघरसिअ-गंभीरमहुरयरसद्दा, जोअणपरिमंडला, सुघोसा घंटा, तेणेव उवागच्छइ २ ता ॥ | पंचम वक्षस्कार
Fifth Chapter
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