6555555555555$$$$$$ $$$$$$ $$ $$ $$ म सिंहासन है, वहाँ बहुत से भवनपति आदि देव-देवियों द्वारा पक्ष्मादि विजयों में उत्पन्न तीर्थंकरों का ॥
अभिषेक किया जाता है। वहाँ जो उत्तरी सिंहासन है, वहाँ बहुत से भवनपति आदि देवों द्वारा वप्र आदि विजयों में उत्पन्न तीर्थंकरों का अभिषेक किया जाता है।
[प्र.] भगवन् ! पण्डक वन में रक्तकम्बलशिला नामक शिला कहाँ पर है ?
[उ.] गौतम ! मन्दर पर्वत की चूलिका के उत्तर में, पण्डक वन के उत्तरी छोर पर है रक्तकम्बलशिला नामक शिला है। वह पूर्व-पश्चिम लम्बी तथा उत्तर-दक्षिण चौड़ी है, सम्पूर्णतः तपनीय
स्वर्णमय तथा उज्ज्वल है। उसके बीचोंबीच एक सिंहासन है। वहाँ भवनपति आदि बहुत से देव-देवियाँ ॐ ऐरावत क्षेत्र में उत्पन्न तीर्थंकरों का अभिषेक करते हैं। ___136.[Q.] Reverend Sir ! How many are the slabs for anointing ?
(Ans.) Gautam ! There are four anointing slabs namely—(1) Pandu slab, (2) Pandukambal slab, (3) Rakt slab and (4) Raktkambal slab.
(Q.) Reverend Sir! Where is Pandushila in Pandak forest?
[Ans.] Gautam ! In the east of the top of Mandar mountain, at the eastern edge of Pandak forest, there is Pandushila. Its length is in northsouth direction and width is in east-west direction. Its shape is like that y of half moon. It is 500 yojan long, 250 yojan wide and 4 yojan thick. It is si totally golden. It is surrounded by a louts Vedika and a forest from all sides. The detailed description is same as mentioned earlier.
In the four sides of that Pandu slab, there are stairs having three rungs each. The description upto the gate is the same as mentioned earlier. There is a beautiful and levelled ground on that Pandu slab. Gods take rest there and enjoy themselves. In the middle of that levelled beautiful portion there are two platforms—one in the north and the other in the south. They are 500 dhanush long, 500 dhanush wide and 250 dhanush high. Except Vijay-cloth entire description up to the platforms is the same as mentioned earlier.
Many gods living in abodes (Bhavanpati gods), interstitial (Vyantar) gods, stellar (Jyotishk) gods and Vaimanik gods and goddesses perform the anointing ceremony of Tirthankars born in Vijays namely Kutchh and others at the seats lying in the north.
Many Bhavanpati, Vaan-vyantar, Jyotishk and Vaimanik gods and goddesses perform the anointing ceremony of Tirthankars born in Vatsa ki Vijay and the like on the seats in the south.
[Q.] Reverend Sir ! Where is Pandukambal slab in Pandak forest ? चतुर्थ वक्षस्कार
Fourth Chapter
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