555555555$$$$$$$ $$$$$步步步步步步步步步步日 4 In the middle of those lakes there is a grand palace of Ishanendra. It $1 is 500 yojan high and 250 yojan wide. The detailed description of that 4 palace and the connected material is as mentioned earlier.
In the south-east of Mandar mountain are Utpalgulma, Nalina, Utpala and Utpalojvala lakes, their, size is as mentioned earlier. There are grand palaces in them. Shakrendra, the god of first heaven, resides there with his family. In the south-west of Mandar mountain there are 46 four lakes namely Bhringa, Bhringanibha, Anjana and Anjanprabha. Their size and extent is as mentioned earlier. Shakrendra is the ruling
god of that area. The entire description upto the seat is as mentioned 41 earlier. In the north-east of Mandar mountain there are four lakes
namely Shrikanta, Shrichandra, Shrimahita and Shrinilaya lakes. In them there are grand palaces. Ishanendra resides there. The entire description upto the seat is as mentioned earlier. दिशाहस्तिकूट पर्वत DISHAHASTIKOOT MOUNTAIN
१३२. [प्र. ३ ] मन्दरे णं भन्ते ! पव्वए भद्दसालवणे कइ दिसाहथिकूडा पण्णत्ता ? [उ. ] गोयमा ! अट्ठ दिसाहथिकूडा पण्णत्ता, तं जहा
पउमुत्तरे १, णीलवन्ते २, सुहत्थी ३, अंजणागिरी ४।
कुमुदे अ ५, पलासे अ६, वडिंसे ७, रोअणागिरी ८॥१॥ [प्र.] कहि णं भन्ते ! मन्दरे पव्वए भद्दसालवणे पउमुत्तरे णामं दिसाहत्थिकूडे पण्णत्ते ?
[उ.] गोयमा ! मन्दरस्स पब्वयस्स उत्तरपुरथिमेणं, पुरथिमिल्लाए सीआए उत्तरेणं एत्थ णं 5 पउमुत्तरे णाम दिसाहत्थिकूडे पण्णत्ते। पंचजोअणसयाई उद्धं उच्चत्तेणं, पंचगाउसयाइं उब्वेहेणं एवं म विक्खम्भपरिक्खेवो भाणिअब्बो चुल्लहिमवन्तसरिसो, पासायाण य तं चेव पउमुत्तरो देवो रायहाणी
उत्तरपुरस्थिमेणं १। म एवं णीलवन्तदिसाहथिकूडे मन्दरस्स दाहिणपुरथिमेणं पुरथिमिल्लाए सीआए दक्खिणेणं। एअस्सवि
नीलवन्तो देवो, रायहाणी दाहिणपुरस्थिमेणं २। ___एवं सुहत्थिदिसाहत्थिकूडे मंदरस्स दाहिणपुरथिमेणं दक्खिणिल्लाए सीओआए पुरत्थिमेणं। एअस्सवि ॐ सुहत्थी देवो, रायहाणी दाहिणपुरस्थिमेणं ३।
___एवं चेव अंजणागिरिदिसाहत्थिकूडे मन्दरस्स दाहिणपच्चत्थिमेणं, दक्खिणिल्लाए सीओआए ॐ पच्चत्थिमेणं, एअस्सवि अंजणगिरी देवो, रायहाणी दाहिणपच्चत्थिमेणं ४।
एवं कुमुदे विदिसाहत्थिकूडे मन्दरस्स दाहिणपच्चत्थिमेणं. पच्चत्थिमिल्लाए सीओआए दक्खिणेणं, + एअस्सवि कुमुदो देवो रायहाणी दाहिणपच्चत्थिमेणं ५।
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