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4 (7) Gandhil is a Vijay, Avadhya is capital, Devis Vakshaskar $ mountain.
(8) Gandhilavati is a Vijay, Ayodhya is capital,
Similar description may be understood of Southern side of Mandar mountain. There the following Vijays are on the southern bank of Sitoda river.
(1) Pakshma, (2) Supakshma, (3) Mahapakshma, (4) Pakshmakavati, i (5) Shankh, (6) Kumud, (7) Nalin, and (8) Nalinavati.
There capitals are
(1) Ashvapuri, (2) Simhapuri, (3) Mahapuri, (4) Vijaypuri, (5) Aparajita, (6) Araja, (7) Ashoka, and (8) Veetashoka.
Vakshaskar mountains are—(1) Anka, (2) Pakshma, (3) Ashivish and (4) Sukhavati. In this order there are two Vijayas each bearing the 4 names of peaks. Other details like directions, sub-directions, forest at
the southern edge and northern edge of Sitoda river should be understood as before.
The vijayas in the north of Sitoda river are—(1) Vapra, (2) Suvapra, (3) Mahavapra, (4) Vaprakavati, (5) Valgu, (6) Suvalgu, (7) Gandhil and (8) Gandhilavats.
The capital cities are—(1) Vijaya, (2) Vaijayanti, (3) Jayanti, (4) Aparajita, (5) Chakrapuri, (6) Khadgapuri, (7) Avadhya and (8) Ayodhya.
Vakshaskar mountains are--(1) Chandra mountain, (2) Surya mountain, (3) Naag mountain and (4) Deva mountain. Kshiroda and Sheetasrota rivers are inner-following rivers on the southern side of Sitoda great river. Urmi malini, Fena malini and Gambhirmalini are the inner-following rivers of the Vijayas to the north of Sitoda great river. In this sequence two peaks each according to their respective Vijayas are to be stated. They are permanent just like Siddhayatan Koot peaks bearing names of Vakshaskar mountains.
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[उ.] गोयमा ! उत्तरकुराए दक्खिणेणं, देवकुराए उत्तरेणं, पुबविदेहस्स वासस्स पच्चत्थिमेणं, म अवरविदेहस्स वासस्स पुरथिमेणं, जम्बुद्दीवस्स बहुमज्झदेसभाए एत्थ णं जम्बुद्दीवे दीवे मन्दरे णामं पव्वए पण्णत्ते। णवणउतिजोअणसहस्साई उद्धं उच्चत्तेणं एगं जोअणसहस्सं उबेहेणं, मूले दसजोअणसहस्साइं
चतुर्थ वक्षस्कार
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Fourth Chapter
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