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ये सब कूट ५०० योजन ऊँचे हैं। इनका वर्णन गन्धमादन के कूटों के सदृश है। इतना अन्तर है-विमल कूट तथा कंचन कूट पर सुवत्सा एवं वत्समित्रा नामक देवियाँ रहती हैं। बाकी के कूटों पर, कूटों के जो-जो नाम हैं, उन-उन नामों के देव निवास करते हैं। मेरु के दक्षिण में उनकी राजधानियाँ हैं।
125. (Q.) Reverend Sir ! In Mahavideh region of Jambu continent where is Saumanas Vakshaskar mountain located ?
[A.] Gautam ! Saumanas Vakshaskar mountain of Mahavideh region in Jambu continent is located in the east of Devakuru and in the west of \ Manglavati Vijay. It is in the north of Nishadh Varshadhar mountain
and in the south-east of Mandar mountain. Its length is in north-east direction and its breadth is in east-west direction. It is just like
Malyavan Vakshaskar mountain. Its special characteristic is that it is i totally silvery and bright. It is 400 yojan in height near Nishadh
Varshadhar mountains and 400 Kos deep. The remaining description is the same as that of Malyavan Vakshaskar mountain.
Gautam ! Many gods and goddesses who are solemn, simple, goodnatured, devoid of undesirable movements, of noble mind and sublime contemplation and who have no ill thoughts, take rest and retire on Saumanas Vakshaskar mountain. A very prosperous celestial being whose name is Saumanas and who is its controller, resides there. So it is called Saumanas Vakshaskar mountain. Further his name is permanent has been in existance since beginningless time.
(Q.) Reverend Sir ! How many peaks are on Saumanas Vakshaskar mountain ?
(A.) Gautam ! It has seven peaks. There are :
(1) Siddhayatan peak, (2) Saumanas peak, (3) Manglavati peak, (4) Devakuru peak, (5) Vimal peak, (6) Kanchan peak, and (7) Vashishth
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All these peaks are 500 yojan high. Their description is like that of peaks of Gandhamadan. The only difference is that Suvatsa and
जम्बूद्वीप प्रज्ञप्ति सूत्र
( 352 )
Jambudveep Prajnapti Sutra
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