454 455 456 457 45454545454545
9555555555555555555555555555555555555 ॐ तापसों के आवास, सन्निवेश-झोंपड़ियों से युक्त बस्ती अथवा सार्थवाह तथा सेना आदि के ठहरने के + स्थान-इन सबका-इन सबमें बसने वाले प्रजाजनों का भलीभाँति पालन कर यश अर्जित करते हुए, इन म
सबका आधिपत्य, अग्रेसरता या आगेवानी, स्वामित्व, प्रभुत्व, महत्तरत्व-अधिनायकत्व, आज्ञेश्वरत्व, सेनापतित्व-इन सबका सर्वाधिकृत रूप में सर्वथा निर्वाह करते हुए निर्बाध, निरन्तर अविच्छिन्न रूप में नृत्य, गीत, वाद्य, वीणा, करताल, तुरही एवं घन-बादल जैसी आवाज करने वाले मृदंग आदि के
निपुणतापूर्ण प्रयोग द्वारा निकलती सुन्दर ध्वनियों से आनन्दित होते हुए, विपुल भोग भोगते हुए सुखी $ T, TE operata fosat
83. [3] Further description is similar to that of starting from Vinita 45 capital city for conquests as mentioned earlier. The only difference is 15 that while entering capital city Vinita nine great nidhis and the four-tier 41 army did not enter.
All others excepting the above-mentioned entered Vinita city in the same manner as they had started from it for conquering mission. King Bharat decided to go through capital city Vinita in an environment of music up to his ancestral house and the outer gate of the unique palace among all the palaces was located.
When king Bharat was passing through Vinita city, some persons 4i were sprinkling water in and outside the city, some plastering with cow- 4 dung, some were building houses with stairs for sight-seeing and some
were decorating the city with flags and buntings made of cloth of different colours raised high and bearing symbols of lion and wheel. Many people were plastering the walls of the city. Some persons were making the environment fragrant with the incense such as black agar, kundruk, lobaan and the like. Some angels were raining silve some were raining gold jewels, diamonds and ornaments.
When king Bharat was passing through capital city Vinita, there were people at triangular junctions and on highways. They were keen to
get money, some were desirous of hearing pleasant words, desirous of i seeing beautiful figure, desirous of enjoying fragrance, taste and touch.
Some were desirous of having food, livestock. Some of them were clowns, beggars with the begging bowl, people feeling troubled by state taxes, people blowing conch-shells, people having wheels, plough men, farmers, people chanting meritorious words, people singing hymns, people being carried on shoulders by others, bamboo dancers, and people earning livelihood by showing pictures. They were uttering attractive, pleasant
beautiful words in praise of the king. They were continuously greeting Hi him, appreciating him. They said| तृतीय वक्षस्कार
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Third Chapte.
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