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55555555555555 While riding Kamalamel horse, Sushen, the army chief took the excellent sword (Asi Ratna) from king Bharat. That sword was dark like blue lotus. It looked like lunar circle when it moved. It was capable of destroying the enemy. Its handle was made of gold and precious stones. It was emitting fragrance like one from navamalika flowers. Creepers and pictures were sketched on it with various types of precious stones. Its edge was shining very much as it had been sharpened recently. It was unique in the world. It was capable of piercing bamboo, tree, horn of a he-buffalo, tusk of an elephant, iron, heavy iron rod, strong and hard diamond and
the like. Not to speak more about it, it could at all places without any 45 difficulty, pierce even those substances which are ordinarily non
pierceable. So it was an ordinary act for it to pierce the body of any animal, man or any suchlike mobile being.
That sword was fifty fingers long, sixteen fingers wide, and half a finger thick. These are the qualities of the best sword.
After taking that unique sword from the king, Sushen the army chief came to the place where Aapat Kirats were present. He attacked them in 4i a dreadful manner. He killed many of their brave soldiers, trampled
them and injured them. These Aapat Kirats then ran away in the other direction. मेघमुख देवों का आह्वान CALL TO MEGHAMUKH DEVAS
७४. [१] तए णं ते आवाडचिलाया सुसेणसेणावइणा हयमहिआ जाव पडिसेहिया समाणा भीआ म तत्था वहिआ उविग्गा संजायभया अत्थामा अबला अवीरिआ अपुरिसक्कार-परक्कमा अधारणिज्जमिति है कटु अणेगाइं जोअणाई अवक्कमंति, अवक्कमित्ता एगयओ मिलायंति मिलइत्ता जेणेव सिंधू महाणई . तेणेव उवागच्छंति, उवागच्छित्ता वालुआसंथारए संथरेंति, संथरित्ता वालुआसंथारए दुरूहंति, दुरूहित्ता में अट्ठमभत्ताई पगिण्हंति, पगिण्हित्ता वालुआसंथारोवगया उत्ताणगा अवसणा अट्ठमभत्तिआ जे तेसिं . ॐ कुलदेवया मेहमुहा णामं णागकुमारा देवा, ते मणसि करेमाणा २ चिट्ठति। तए णं तेसिमावाडचिलायाणं अट्ठमभत्तंसि परिणममाणंसि मेहमुहाणं णागकुमाराणं देवाणं आसणाइं चलंति।
७४. [१] सेनापति सुषेण द्वारा मारे जाने पर, घायल किये जाने पर मैदान छोड़कर भागे हुए आपात किरात बड़े भयाकुल, त्रासयुक्त, व्यथायुक्त-पीडायुक्त, उद्वेगयुक्त होकर घबड़ा गये। युद्ध में टिक ॐ पाने की शक्ति उनमें नहीं रही। वे अपने को निर्बल, निर्वीर्य तथा पौरुष-पराक्रमरहित अनुभव करने
लगे। शत्रु-सेना का सामना करना शक्य नहीं है, यह सोचकर वे वहाँ से अनेक योजन दूर भाग गये।
यों दूर जाकर वे एक स्थान पर आपस में मिले। जहाँ सिन्धु महानदी थी, वहाँ आये। वहाँ आकर बालू 卐 के संस्तारक-बिछौने तैयार किये। बालू के संस्तारकों पर वे स्थित हुए। उन्होंने तेले की तपस्या स्वीकार ॥ | जम्बूद्वीप प्रज्ञप्ति सूत्र
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