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卐 हुआ, अभागा, लज्जा, शोभा से परिवर्जित वह कौन है, जो हमारे देश पर बलपूर्वक जल्दी-जल्दी चढ़ा
आ रहा है। देवानुप्रियो ! हम उसकी सेना को तितर-बितर कर दें, जिससे वह हमारे देश पर बलपूर्वक के आक्रमण न कर सके। र इस प्रकार उन्होंने आपस में विचार कर आक्रान्ता का मुकाबला करने का निश्चय किया। वैसा 卐 निश्चय कर उन्होंने लोहे के कवच धारण किये, वे युद्ध के लिए तत्पर हुए, अपने धनुषों पर प्रत्यंचा
चढ़ाकर उन्हें हाथ में लिया, गले व ग्रैवेयक-ग्रीवा की रक्षा करने वाले संग्रामोचित उपकरण विशेष बाँधे, ॐ विशिष्ट वीरतासूचक चिह्न के रूप में उज्ज्वल वस्त्र मस्तक पर बाँधे। विविध प्रकार के आयुध-फेंके जाने 卐 वाले बाण आदि अस्त्र तथा प्रहरण-नहीं फैंके जाने वाले, हाथ द्वारा चलाये जाने वाले तलवार आदि शस्त्र
धारण किये। वे, जहाँ राजा भरत की सेना की अगली टुकड़ी थी, वहाँ पहुँचे। वहाँ पहुँचकर वे उससे भिड़ ॐ गये। उन आपात किरातों ने राजा भरत की सेना के कतिपय विशिष्ट योद्धाओं को मार डाला, मथ डाला,
घायल कर डाला, गिरा डाला। उनकी गरुड़ आदि के चिह्नों से युक्त ध्वजाएँ, पताकाएँ नष्ट कर डालीं। राजा
भरत की सेना के अग्र भाग के सैनिक बड़ी कठिनाई से अपने प्राण बचाकर इधर-उधर भाग छूटे। 4. 72. At that time in the northern part of Bharat area Bhils (Kirat) were
living who were called Aapat. They were very wealthy, influential, rich and famous among their class. They owned residential houses, clothes, furniture, means of transport for carrying goods and passengers in sufficient quantity. They were owners of a large amount of gold, silver, cash and the like. They were engaged very well in amassing and spending wealth from the commercial angle. Eatables in sufficient quantity were available with them after they had taken their meals. They had many servants-male and female, cows, buffaloes, bullocks, sheep, goats and the like. They were so robust that no one had the courage to condemn them or to insult them. They were true to their word. They were broadminded in giving charity. They were brave in the battle field. They
had a large army. They had shown their valour in many wars wherein the i opposite side was equally powerful and had attained success.
All of a sudden, many inauspicious signs appeared in that land of Kirats which indicated that something bad was going to happen. The 451 clouds started roaring at odd time. The lightening started at odd time.
The trees started flowering at odd time. The ghosts appeared in the sky dancing again and again. Aapat Kirats saw hundreds of such odd things happening in their region. They talked among themselves. O beloved of gods ! In our country hundreds of dimeritorious occurrences have happened-namely the clouds are roaring, the lightening is shining, the trees have borne fruit-all at odd times. The ghosts are dancing in space
तृतीय वक्षस्कार
Third Chapter 5555555555555555555555555558
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