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morning food independently without any fear or feeling of creating trouble. The animals and birds were also not cruel or dreadful in nature. Animals, birds, poisonenous creatures like Snakes and scorpions were also not biting any one. They were not even causing fear to any one. There were animals like horses, buffaloes, cows and the like but man never got any fun from the horse nor milk the buffalo. He was totally vegetarian. The fruits of the tree, were so much nourishing and sweet that with the consumption of a little amount of fruit he was not feeling hungry for three days. The life in that period was totally free from quarrels and was full of ecstatic pleasure. Man was having a totally natural state of living. So he was healthy, strong, quiet happy and had a long span of life. On the other hand when the change in environment starts, the desires of the people increase. Their needs increase. Slowly and gradually the productive power of the earth decreases. Heat and cold in the environment increases. Dreadfulness and violence slowly 卐 creep in the nature of animals and birds. When the fifth ara comes to its end, the earth starts burning like hot plate. Man becomes naughty, fi greedy, sexual and cheat. The water in the rivers dries up. The vegetation dries up. In a state of helplessness man becomes nonvegetarian.
This description of Avasarpini and Utsarpini time-cycle in the second chapter encourages one to think and understand much in the context of present environment. Its effect to a certain extent is being experienced even today; for instance cutting of forests, the loss in productive power of the earth, the dread caused by floods. The unusual increase in temperature. This inbalanced state of environment is providing prior information of extremely troublesome period ahead whose practical experience has been described in this Sutra.
My humble request to the readers is that they should try to study the present ecology in the context of this description. They shall then experience the truthfulness of this description themselves.
In this very order. There is a brief description of arrival of Bhagavan Rishabh Dev on this earth in the second chapter.
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In the third chapter, there is a very interesting description of the life of Emperor Bharat Chakravarti from beginning to end. After studying the detailed journey of Bharat for conquering the land, his coronation as Chakravarti and, at the end, the grandeur of his great kingdom, it appears that he must have been very lucky.