Jambu island is circular in shape like wheel of a chariot or full moon."
At some places its shape has been mentioned as round like a plate or ribbon at the circumference and flat. Even in Vedic Purvas and Buddhist scriptures its shape has been mentioned as round. All these facts indicate that Indian scriptures believe in union that the earth is round. But modern science is of the view that the earth is round like an orange or ball and not flat like a circular plate. This difference is still a matter of discussion. Some Jain thinkers are of the view that the words Jhallari or Sthaali mentioned in Jain Agams do not mean Jhalar The flat ribbon but it means Jhaanjh a musical instrument and Sthaali is not Thaali-a plate but it means a handiya-a pitcher shaped vessel. With there interpretations theyl try to bring in harmony the Jain viewpoint with the viewpoint of modern science, Simultaneously it is also worth consideration that scientific belief is not necessarily the final conclusion science always goes on changing into beliefs and conclusions on the basis of new research. It is progressive knowledge. So it is also possible that after same time the scientists may also have to change their belief about the shape of the earth. Many scientists have discarded the belief that earth is round. The scientists of Flat Earth Society in London are doing research to prove that eath is flat so the scientific belief cannot be accepted as final conclusion. On the other hand the statement of Sages who have realised the soul is more trustworthy.
In the first chapter, there is general geographical description of Jambudveep.
In the second chapter, there is the description of Avasarpini and Utasarpini time-cycle.
Effect of Environment on Human Life
The description of environment of the earth, the nature, food and behaviour and conduct of human beings during the period of first three aeons of Avasarpini time-cycle is a subject of deep research in the context of environmental science at present. At that time there was not pollution of any type on the earth. There were no mills or factories. The rainfall was in time and sufficient. The land was very rich. The crops. were every good. The water was as good as nectar. The fruit and consumable articles of food were sweet and nourishing. The desires and needs of the people were very few. They were neither quarrelling among themselves nor owing any enmity against any one. Every one was
Tulsi Prajna June 1925 PP 106 Yuvacharya Mahaprajna
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