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परिवार में उनका बड़ा प्रेम या मोह रहेगा। वे गंगा महानदी, सिन्धु महानदी के तट तथा वैताढ्य पर्वत के आश्रय में बिलों में रहेंगे। वे बिलवासी मनुष्य संख्या में बहत्तर होंगे। उनसे भविष्य में फिर मानवजाति का विस्तार होगा।'
46. [Q. 2] Reverend Sir ! What shall be the figure and nature of human beings at that time?
[Ans.] Gautam ! The complexion, colour, smell, touch and the like of those human beings shall not be pleasant. It shall be despicable, bad and without any attraction. It shall not be pleasant to the mind. Their voice shall be without any beauty, poor, very low, unattractive and angur bad happening. Their birth shall be non-meritorious. They shall be shameless and shall make various efforts to deceive others. They shall be of quarrelsome nature and shall always be engaged in keeping others in the rope-bondage with an inimical altitude. They shall be in the forefront in transgressing the established restraints, in breaking the traditions and shall be always ready to do an undesirable act. They shall not obey the command of their teachers and shall not have any humility towards them. They shall have deformed body and their body parts shall not be completesay being one-eyed, one-legged or having only four fingers and the like. As they shall not gain good guidance since their birth they shall have large protruding nails, hair, beard and moustaches. They shall be dark complexioned and of rough touch. In view of deep lines and wrinkles on their face, they shall appear to have broken fore-head. They shall be smokecoloured and shall have white hair. They shall have too many protruding nerves. So, they shall look ugly. The parts of their body shall be covered
१. छठे आरे के वर्णन में ऐसा भी उल्लेख पाया जाता है
२१,००० वर्ष 'दुषम- दुषमा' नामक छट्टे आरे का आरम्भ होगा, तब भरत क्षेत्राधिष्ठित देव पंचम आरे के विनाश पाते हुए पशु व मनुष्यों में से बीज रूप कुछ पशु, मनुष्यों को उठाकर वैताढ्य गिरि के दक्षिण और उत्तर में जो गंगा और सिन्धु नदी हैं, उनके आठों किनारों में से एक-एक तट में नव-नव बिल हैं एवं सर्व ७२ बिल हैं और एक-एक बिल में तीन-तीन मंजिल हैं, उनमें उन पशु व मनुष्यों को रखेंगे। ७२ बिलों में से ६३ बिलों में मनुष्य, ६ बिलों में स्थलचर पशु एवं ३ बिलों में खेचर पक्षी रखेंगे।
1. It also finds mention in the description of sixth aeon as under
At the time when the fifth aeon Dukham-Dukhma is going to start, the guarding angel of Bharat area shall pick up some animals and human beings of fifth aeon as seed and shall place them in the holes on eight banks of Ganga and Sindhu river in the south and north of Vaitadhya mountain. There are nine holes at each bank. Thus, there are 72 holes in all. Each hole has three storeys. They shall place animals and human beings in them. In 63 holes they shall keep human beings, in six holes animals and in three holes the birds.
द्वितीय वक्षस्कार
Jain Education International
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