२४. (क) श्रमण भगवान महावीर के अन्तेवासी बहुत से निर्ग्रन्थ संयम तथा तप से आत्मा को भावित करते हुए विचरण कर रहे थे। उनमें कई मतिज्ञानी (श्रुतज्ञानी, अवधिज्ञानी, मनःपर्यवज्ञानी) तथा केवलज्ञानी थे। अर्थात् कई मति, श्रुत, अवधि यों तीन ज्ञान के धारक तथा कई मति, श्रुत एवं मनःपर्यव, कई मति, श्रुत, अवधि तथा मनःपर्यवयों चार ज्ञानों के धारक एवं कई केवलज्ञान के धारक थे।
कई मनोबली-मनोबल या मनःस्थिरता के धारक दृढ़ संकल्पव्रती तथा रागोत्पादक अनुकूल परीषहों में दृढ़ रहने वाले; वचनबली-प्रतिज्ञा, व्रत, वचन आदि के निर्वाह में दृढ़ A या दूसरों को प्रभावित करने वाली वचन-शक्ति के धारक; तथा कायबली-भूख, प्यास, में सर्दी, गर्मी आदि प्रतिकूल शारीरिक उपसर्गों को अग्लान भाव से सहने में समर्थ थे। तथा 0
कइयों में मनोबल, वचनबल तथा कायबल तीनों ही प्रबल थे, कइयों में वचनबल तथा कायबल और कइयों में कायबल की विशिष्टता थी। THE SPIRITUAL WEALTH OF SHRAMANS
24. (a) During that period of time numerous ascetic disciples (antevasi) of Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir moved about enkindling (bhaavit) their souls with ascetic discipline and austerities. Of these, many were mati-jnanis and so on, up to Keval-jnanis.
This means some were endowed with mati, shrut and avadhi jnana; d some with mati, shrut and manah-paryav jnana, some with mati,
shrut, avadhi and manah-paryav jnana, and some with Kevala jnana. (mati-jnana = sensory knowledge or to know the apparent
form of things coming before soul by means of five sense organs and the mind; shrut-jnana = scriptural knowledge; avadhi-jnana = extrasensory perception of the physical dimension, something akin to clairvoyance; manah-paryav jnana = extrasensory perception and knowledge of thought process and thought-forms of other beings, something akin to telepathy; and Keval-jnana = omniscience.)
Many of them were endowed with strength of mind which included stability, unwavering resolve even in face of allurements (manobali); many with strength of speech which included resolutely
sticking to promise, vow or word as also the power to influence og others with speech (vachanbali); many with strength of body which
included the untiring capacity to endure hunger, thirst, heat, cold and other torments (kayabali). And many of them were equally
समवसरण अधिकार
Samavasaran Adhikari
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