Dr. Radhakumud Mukherji writes--"Contemporaneous to Mahavir and the Buddha, Ajatshatru was, indeed, a follower of Mahavir.” He also informs that it is commonly seen that Jains show Ajatshatru and Udaibhadda as persons of good conduct and character. This is because these two were followers of Jain religion. And that same appears to be the reason that Buddhist scriptures have criticized and slandered them.
A serious study of the Buddhist texts like Attakatha, Avadan Shatak and Dhammapad Attakatha hardly reveals that Ajatshatru was specially devoted to the Buddha. At some places evidence of his antagonism for the Buddha can also be seen.
It can be conclusively said that Ajatshatru's sentiments were influenced by his mother Chelana. He had great faith in mother Chelana. It was Chelana who informed him about the profound love of Shrenik, his father, for him; and what pains Shrenik had suffered for his son. In Avashayak Churni, Trishashtishalaka Purush Charitra and many other works we find a mention of his another name Ashok Chandra. C was a devout follower of Bhagavan Mahavir. Chelana's father king Chetak too was a great devotee of Bhagavan Mahavir. All this clearly indicates that Ajatshatru Kunik was, indeed, a Jain.
भगवान का चम्पा में आगमन
२२. तए णं समणे भगवं महावीरे कल्लं पाउप्पभायाए रयणीए, फुल्लुप्पलकमलकोमलुम्मिलियंमि अहपंडुरे पहाए, रत्तासोगप्पगास-किंसुय-सुयमुहगुंजद्धरागसरिसे, कमलागरसंडबोहए उट्ठियम्मि सूरे सहस्सरस्सिमिं दिणयरे तेयसा जलंते, जेणेव चंपा णयरी, जेणेव पुण्णभद्दे चेइए, तेणेव उवागच्छइ, उवागच्छित्ता अहापडिरूवं ओग्गहं ओगिण्हित्ता संजमेणं तवसा अप्पाणं भावेमाणे विहरइ।
२२. तत्पश्चात् अगले दिन, रात बीत जाने पर, प्रभात हो जाने पर, जब नीले तथा अन्य कमल सुहावने रूप में खिल उठे थे, उज्ज्वल प्रभायुक्त एवं अशोक, पलाश, तोते की चोंच, घुघची के आधे भाग के समान लालिमा लिए हुए, कमलवन को विकसित करने वाला, सहस्रकिरणयुक्त, दिन का प्रादुर्भाव करने वाला सूर्य उदित हो गया, अपने तेज से उद्दीप्त हो चुका, तब श्रमण भगवान महावीर (अपने श्रमण परिवार के साथ) चम्पा नगरी के पूर्णभद्र चैत्य में पधारे। पधारकर यथाप्रतिरूप अवग्रह-कल्प के अनुसार स्थान आदि ग्रहण कर संयम एवं तप से आत्मा को भावित करते हुए विराजमान हुए।
समवसरण अधिकार
Samavasaran Adhikar
Jain Education International
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