the worlds (logahiyanam or lokahitanam), lamps of wisdom who dispel the darkness of ignorance in all the worlds (logapaivanam or lokapradipanam), spiritual illuminators of all the worlds (logapajjoyagaranam or lokapradyotakaranam). My veneration to those who dispel fear (abhayadayanam or abhayadayakanam); give spiritual vision (chakkhudayanam or chakshudayakanam); show the path of liberation in the form of right knowledge, perception and conduct (maggadayanam or margadayakanam); give refuge to the seekers of the right path (sarandayanam or sharanadayakanam); give spiritual meaning to life (jivadayanam or jivanadayakanam); steer one to enlightenment (bohidayanam or bodhidayakanam). I pay homage to those who are originators of dharma (dhammadayanam or dharmadayak); preceptors of dharma (dhammadesayanam or dharmadeshakanam); leaders of dharma (dhammanayaganam or dharmanayakanam); true guides of dharma (dhammasarahinam or dharmasarathinam); and also the emperors of dharma in all the four dimensions of life (dhammavarachaurant-chakkavatthinam or dharmavarachaturantachakravartinam). My veneration to those who like a lamp/island (divo or deepak/dveep) are anchors (paittha or pratishtha) of refuge (saranam or sharanam), succour (taanam or tran) and movement (gai or gati) for those fumbling in the darkness/sea of cycles of rebirth. I pay homage to the holders of unlimited unveiled knowledge and perception (appadihaya or apratighat) who are free of masks of ignorance and illusion (viattachhaumanam or vyavrittachhadmaanam). My homage to those who are the conquerors of attachment and aversion (jinanam); are the lamps of knowledge and beacons on the path of victory over attachment and aversion (javayanam or jnayakama/jnapakanam); who have crossed the ocean of cycles of rebirth (tinnanam or tirnanam) and help crossing the ocean of cycles of rebirth (tarayanam or tarakanam); who are the enlightened ones (buddhanam) and are the givers of enlightenment (bohayanam or bodhakanam); who are the liberated (muttanam or muktanam) and the liberator (moyaganam or mochakanam). My veneration to those who are allknowing (savvannunam or sarvajnanam); all-seeing (savva
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