vajra-rishabh-narach samhanan = a specific type of constitution of human body where the joints are perfect and strongest (156) vajramadhyachandrapratima (24 (c)] Valkavasi = the bark-clad (74) vamani = dwarf (55) vamsh = a musical instrument (49) vanamala = garlands (35) Vanaprastha ashram = according to the Vedic religion the third quarter of life when a person retired and lived as a forest dweller (74, 76) vanavyantar dev-lok = interstitial divine realms (69, 70, 71, 73) vanchanta = to swindle someone (57) vandaniya = suitable for salutations by reciting panegyrics and other rites [2 (b)] varah = wild boar (37) vardalik bhakt (vaddaliyabhatte) = food prepared and kept for distributing during periods of heavy rain, floods and other such calamities (96) vardhaman = illustration of cup-saucer or a man riding another man's shoulders (34); persons carried on shoulders (53) vardhamanak = a specific design of vessel (49) varg.vargit = square of square (181) varna = complexion (23) varshadhar = eunuchs (55) vartishyaman charya = to resolve to accept alms only from the portion already served in plate for eating (30 (c) vasantilata = a creeper (8) vasati = living quarters (30 (f)} Vasina = Charukinik; name of a geographic area (55)
vastravidhi (vatthavuhim) - garments making (107) Vasudev = epoch maker sovereign of the land (56 (b)] Vayubhakshi (Vaubhakkhi) = those who subsisted only on air (74) vedana = suffering (56 (b)] vedaniya = karma responsible for mundane experience of pain and pleasure [30 (g), 66, 141, 153] vedaniya karma vyutsarg = to renounce causes of bondage of karma particles responsible for mundane experience of pain and pleasure (30 (g)] Vedas (77) veena = a musical instrument (53) veena graah = attendants who carried veena (49) veeyak = a plant (10) Vel-vasi = those who lived near seashore (74) veshtim = wrapping (79) Viattachhaumanam
(Vyavrittachhadmaanam) = free of masks of ignorance and illusion (20) Viattachhaume (Vyavrittachhadma) = free of masks of ignorance and ambiguities (16 (a)] vidambak = comedians, clowns or jesters [1 (a), 2 (b)] Videha = a class of Parivrajaks (76) vidyadhar prajnapti labdhi (24 (b)] Vidyut-kumar = a class among bhavanvasi gods (34, 37) Vijaya (163) vijaya-vaijayanti = flag of victory (49) vikurvana (vaikriya labdhi) - having power of self-mutation or that of acquiring different forms of body [24 (b)]
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