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__इस प्रकार का जीवन जीते हुए वे अन्त समय में भोजन का त्याग कर देते हैं। बहुत से भोजनकाल अनशन रूप में व्यतीत करते हैं, अनशनकाल में वे पापस्थानों की आलोचना करते हैं। प्रतिक्रमण करते हैं। इस प्रकार समाधि अवस्था प्राप्त कर मृत्युकाल आने पर देह त्यागकर उत्कृष्टतः अच्युतकल्प में देव रूप में उत्पन्न होते हैं। अपने स्थान के अनुरूप वहाँ उनकी गति होती है। उनकी स्थिति बाईस सागरोपम प्रमाण होती है। वे परलोक के आराधक a ti (şa qufa udaat 1)
123. Also there are Shraman worshippers (Shramanopasaks) who have properly acquired the knowledge of the living (jiva), nonliving (ajiva) and other substances, who have properly understood the difference between merit-demerit (punya-paap), who have discriminatory knowledge about inflow of karmas (asrava), blocking of inflow of karmas and shedding of karmas (smavar-nir action (kriya), means (adhikaran), bondage (bandh) and liberation (moksha). They do not seek help from others in their religious pursuits. They cannot be forced to waver from the Nirgranth sermon by gods and lower gods including Asur, Naag, Suparn, Yaksh, Rakshas, Kinnar, Kimpurush, Garud, Gandharva and Mahorag. Being free of any doubt, perplexity and ambiguity in the Nirgranth sermon they have received, confirmed by raising questions, absorbed, acquired in entirety and the real fundamentals of religion. Affinity and attachment for religion has penetrated deep into their bone and marrow. They have unwavering faith that only this Nirgranth sermon is meaningful or beatific and everything else is meaningless or worthless.
(They are so liberal and upright in behaviour that-) in their houses door bolts are never used (Uchchhrit phaliha), this also means that their hearts are as pure as crystal; to avoid guests and beggars returning unattended, gates of their houses are never closed to anyone (Apavritadvar); and their entry to the inner (ladies) quarters of any house, including the king's palace, never offends anyone (Tyaktantahpura grihadvar pravesh). Properly observing the complete paushadh (partial ascetic vow) on eighth, fourteenth and fifteenth days of every fortnight and offering
uncontaminated and acceptable food (of four kinds-ashan, paan, et 9 khadya and svadya), garb, blanket, napkin, medicine and औपपातिकसूत्र
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