98. Ambad Parivrajak is allowed to take half Magadh Adhak " (two Magadh Prasth) water. This too should be from a flowing
source like a river and not from a collected source like a pond. (same as aphorism 80) This too should be filtered with a cloth and not unfiltered. This too he accepts considering it to be savadya (involving sin) and not niravadya (not involving sin). This too he accepts considering it to have living organism and not without them. This too is acceptable if it is offered by a donor and not
otherwise. This too is acceptable only for drinking or washing He hands, feet, bowl, or spoon and not for bathing.
Ambad Parivrajak is allowed to take one Magadh Adhak water. This too should be from a flowing source... and so on up to... This too is acceptable if it is offered by a donor. This too is acceptable only for bathing and not for washing hands, feet, bowl, or spoon or drinking.
९९. अम्मडस्स णो कप्पइ अण्णउत्थिया वा, अण्णउत्थियदेवयाणि वा, अण्णउत्थियपरिग्गहियाणि वा चेइयाई वंदित्तए वा, णमंसित्तए वा, जाव पज्जुवासित्तए वा, णण्णत्थ अरिहंते वा अरिहंतचेइयाई वा।
९९. अम्बड़ को अर्हत् या अर्हत्-चैत्यों (अर्हत् के अनुयायी श्रमणों) के अतिरिक्त * अन्ययूथिक-(निर्ग्रन्थ-धर्मसंघ के अतिरिक्त अन्य संघों से सम्बद्ध पुरुष), उनके देव तथा * उन द्वारा परिगृहीत-स्वीकृत चैत्यों को वन्दन करना, नमस्कार करना, उनकी पर्युपासना * करना नहीं कल्पता है।
____99. Besides Arihant (Jain Tirthankar) and Arihant chaityas (ascetic followers of Arihant) Ambad Parivrajak considers it forbidden to pay homage and obeisance to or worship any other
religious organizations, their monks, their deities or their chaityas 9 (temples). * अम्बड़ के आगामी भवों की पृच्छा
१००. अम्मडे णं भंते ! परिव्वायए कालमासे कालं किच्चा कहिं गच्छिहिति ? कहिं उववजिहिति ?
गोयमा ! अम्मडे णं परिव्वायए उच्चावएहिं सीलव्वयगुणवेरमणपच्चक्खाणपोसहोववासेहिं अप्पाणं भावेमाणे बहूई वासाई समणोवासयपरियायं पाउणिहिति, ॐ औपपातिकसूत्र
Aupapatik Sutra
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