aloo se so so so sks
moment he appeared on the threshold, people greeted him with hails of victory. Thus stepped out of the bathroom the exquisitely adorned king. Coming out of the bathroom, the king joined the attending luminaries including numerous chieftains, administrators, princes, knights of honour, landlords, village heads, family heads, businessmen, merchants, commanders, caravan chiefs, ambassadors, diplomats etc. It looked as if breaking the cover of dark clouds, the moon had appeared in the midst of twinkling stars and planets.
(The commentator explains that here the analogy of clouds has been given for the bathroom, that of the moon for the king, and that of twinkling stars for attending luminaries.)
विवेचन - प्रस्तुत सूत्र में राजा कूणिक के शरीर की मालिश के प्रसंग में शतपाक तथा सहस्रपाक तेलों का उल्लेख हुआ है । वृत्तिकार आचार्य अभयदेव सूरि ने अपनी वृत्ति पत्र ६५ में तीन प्रकार से इनकी व्याख्या की है- (१) जो तेल विभिन्न औषधियों के साथ क्रमशः सौ बार तथा हजार बार पकाये जाते थे, वे शतपाक तथा सहस्रपाक तेल कहे जाते थे । (२) दूसरी व्याख्या के अनुसार जो क्रमशः सौ प्रकार की तथा हजार प्रकार की औषधियों से पकाये जाते थे । (३) तीसरी व्याख्या के अनुसार जिनके निर्माण क्रमशः सौ कार्षापण (सोना, चाँदी एवं ताँबे का उस युग में प्रचलित सिक्का) तथा हजार कार्षापण व्यय होते थे, वे शतपाक एवं सहस्रपाक तेल कहे जाते थे ।
Elaboration-There is a mention of shatpaak and sahasrapaak medicated and perfumed oils in this aphorism in context of massage of king Kunik. Acharya Abhayadev Suri, the commentator (Vritti ), has given three interpretations of these terms-(1) Oils cooked with various herbs and other additives one hundred and one thousand times were called shatpaak and sahasrapaak oils respectively. (2) Oils cooked with one hundred and one thousand different herbs and other additives were called shatpaak and sahasrapaak oils respectively. (3) Oils costing one hundred and one thousand karshapan (the coin of that period made of an alloy of gold, silver and copper) were called shatpaak and sahasrapaak oils respectively.
भगवद् दर्शनों के लिए प्रस्थान : अष्टमंगल
४९. तए णं तस्स कूणियस्स भंभसारपुत्तस्स आभिसेक्कं हत्थिरयणं दुरूढस्स समाणस्स तप्पढमयाए इमे अट्ठट्ठ मंगलया पुरओ अहाणुपुब्बीए संपट्टिया । तं जहासोवत्थिय - सिरिवच्छ णंदियावत्त- वद्धमाणग— भद्दासण- कलस-मच्छ - दप्पणा ।
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