Song What is this Aprashast kaya vinaya ?
Aprashast kaya vinaya (ignoble modesty or non-modesty of body) is of seven types—(1) Anayukt gaman-Improper and careless movement, (2) Anayukt sthan–Improper and careless halting and standing, (3) Anayukt nishidan-Improper and careless sitting, (4) Anayukt tvagvartan-Improper and careless lying and turning, (5) Anayukt ullanghan-Improper and careless crossing of water or slime on the way, (6) Anayukt prollanghan-Improper and careless crossing of water or slime on the way repeatedly, (7) Anayukt sarvendriyakayayoga yojanata–Indulge in improper and careless activities of all sense organs and body. This concludes the description of Aprashast kaya vinaya.
What is this Prashast kaya vinaya ?
Prashast kaya vinaya (noble modesty of body) is exactly opposite of Aprashast kaya vinaya (ignoble modesty or non-modesty of body). All other details should be taken accordingly. This concludes the description of Prashast kaya vinaya (noble modesty of body). This en also concludes the description of Kaya vinaya.
(vii) What is this Lokopachar vinaya ?
Lokopachar vinaya (modesty of social behaviour) is of seven types——(1) Abhyasavartita-To sit still near spiritual guides and
noble persons, (2) Parachhandanuvartita–To obey the wishes and on *commands of spiritual guides and noble persons, (3) Karya hetu* To show respect and offer services to teachers before, during and he
after acquiring knowledge, (4) Krit-pratikriya-To expressen gratitude and offer services to those who have obliged in any way, (5) Art-gaveshanata–To take proper care, with medicine and food, of the ailing and aging ascetics and spiritual guides, (6) Deshakalajnata-To behave properly and according to time and
place, (7) Sarvartha-apratilomata-Not to transgress the code of e behaviour required for any and all activity. In other words, to
behave in conformity with the spiritual goal. This concludes the description of Lokopachar vinaya. This also concludes the
description of Vinaya tap. * औपपातिकसूत्र
Aupapatik Sutra
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