or from the donor seen first of all. (21) Adrisht laabh-To resolve to accept food not seen earlier or from a donor never seen before. 22) Prisht laabh-To resolve to accept food only if addressed-"O ascetic ! What may I offer you ?" (23) Aprisht laabh-To resolve to accept food only if not so addressed. (24) Bhiksha laabh-To resolve to accept food only when it is so lowly as to be worthy of a beggar or that which the donor himself has collected as alms or cooked from collected alms. (25) Abhiksha laabh-To resolve to accept food only if it does not fall in the category of Bhiksha laabh. (26) Annaglyayak-To resolve to accept food only if it was cooked on the previous day. (27) Upanihit-To resolve to accept food only if it is placed near the donor who himself is eating. (28) Parimit pindapatik-To resolve to accept food only in limited quantity or from one house. (29) Shuddhaishanik-To resolve to accept food only if it is pure, free of all faults and acceptable according to the ascetic code. (30) Samkhyadatik-To resolve to accept food only in counted units such as one piece or one spoon or one unbroken pouring.
This concludes the description of Bhikshacharya tap. (The ascetic disciples of Bhagavan Mahavir observed the aforesaid austerities.) (४) रस-परित्याग तप
३०. (ङ) से किं तं रसपरिच्चाए ? रसपरिच्चाए अणेगविहे पण्णत्ते। तं जहा-१. निव्वीइए, २. पणीयरसपरिच्चाए, ३. आयंबिलिए, ४. आयामसित्थभोई, ५. अरसाहारे, ६. विरसाहारे, ७. अंताहारे, ८. पंताहारे, ९. लूहाहारे, से तं रसपरिच्चाए।
३०. (ङ) रस-परित्याग क्या है ?
रस-परित्याग अनेक प्रकार का है, जैसे-(१) निर्विकृतिक-घृत, तेल, दूध, दही, गुड़, शक्कर (चीनी) आदि छह विकृतियों से रहित आहार करना, (२) प्रणीतरस-परित्यागजिससे घृत, दूध, चासनी आदि की बूंदें टपकती हों, ऐसे स्निग्ध विकारवर्धक आहार का त्याग करना, (३) आयंबिल (आचामाम्ल)-गेहूँ की रोटी, चावल, चना आदि एक ही प्रकार का रूखा-सूखा पदार्थ या भूना हुआ अन्न अचित्त पानी में भिगोकर दिन में एक ही बार खाना, (४) आयामसिक्थभोजी-ओसामन (धोवन) तथा उसमें रहे अन्न-कण, सीथ (अंश)
समवसरण अधिकार
Samavasaran Adhikar
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