or any other predetermined time. (4) Bhaavabhigrah charya-To resolve to accept alms only if a donor displays a specific sentiment or activity such as mirth, singing, entertaining himself etc. (5) Utkshipt charya-To resolve to accept alms only from the portion the donor has taken out for himself from cooking pots. (6) Nikshipt charya-To resolve to accept alms only from the portion that has not been taken out from the cooking pots. (7) Utkshipt-nikshipt charya—This has two interpretations(1) To resolve to accept alms only from the portion that has been transferred from the cooking pot to some other pot and is placed near or away from the cooking area. (2) To resolve to accept alms only from the portion taken out from the cooking pot irrespective of its being meant for the alms seeker or not. (8) Nikshipt-utkshipt charya-To resolve to accept alms only from the portion taken out from the cooking pot and placed at a different place.
(9) Vartishyaman charya—To resolve to accept alms only from the | portion already served in a plate for eating. (10) Samhriyaman
charya-To resolve to accept alms only from the portion that the donor has put in a pot after cooling it by spreading in a bowl. (11) Upaneet charya-To resolve to accept alms only from the food a donor has received as gift from someone. (12) Apaneet charyaTo resolve to accept alms only from the portion separated and kept away for gifting or donating to a person other than the seeker. (13) Upaneetapaneet charya-To resolve to accept alms only from the food which is Upaneet and Apaneet and also the food which is on first extolled and then decried. (14) Apaneetopaneet charya—To resolve to accept alms only from the food which is Apaneet or en Upaneet and also the food which is first decried and then extolled. (15) Sansrisht charya-To resolve to accept alms only if served with hands or spoons soiled with the food. (16) Asansrisht charya—To resolve to accept food only if served with clean hands or spoons unsoiled with the food. (17) Tajjat sansrisht charya—To resolve to accept food only if hands are soiled specifically with the dish being protein offered. (18) Ajnat charya-To resolve to accept food only if it is a offered by a stranger and that too without revealing his identity. (19) Mauna charya—To resolve to accept food observing complete se silence. (20) Drisht laabh-To resolve to accept food seen first of all
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Aupapatik Sutra
For Private & Personal Use Only
Jain Education International