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This was publicized so that the public could find a repository of knowledge on conduct in one place and not have to wander around aimlessly for it.
We have already said that conduct is the most important aspect of religion. One must acquire knowledge of it. Without studying religious texts, the true faith of many individuals is led astray by misleading knowledge, therefore, to dispel confusion, one must first acquire true knowledge, which is not possible without self-study or listening to the texts on the subject. It is appropriate for self-benefiting individuals to study this unique text once for the sake of purity of conduct, so that their conduct may become pure and they may also progress towards the path of liberation.
This curiosity may arise in the minds of the readers that whether the Niyutikar has also written something on this subject that Shri Bhadrabahu Swami has quoted from a certain place in a certain text. For their satisfaction, we consider it necessary to state that the Niyutikar's intention has been clarified by the commentator in the following words: "Tatra Tirthankarasya Samayikadhikrameṇa Upodghātaḥ Kṛtaḥ. Āryasudharmāṇo Jambūsvāminah Prabhavasya Shayyaṁbhavasya Yaśobhadrasya Sambhūtavijayasya Tato Bhadrabahoravasarpiṇyāṁ Puruṣāṇām Āyurbhalayorhāniṁ Jñātvā Cintā Samutpannā Pūrvagate Vyucchinnē Viśodhim Na Jñāsyantīti Kṛtvā Pratyākyānāpūrvād Daśākalpavyavahārānniryūḍa Eṣa Upodghātaḥ" etc. It is proved by the statement that Shri Bhadrabahu Swami, from the beginning of the rejection, has extracted the Daśāśrutaśkandha, Bṛhatkalpa and Vyavahāra Sūtras, i.e., he has collected the topics of conduct etc. from different Sūtra texts and presented them to the public in the form of a new text.
Regarding the decision of the substance, the commentator writes: "Iha Kil Bhadrabahuḥ Svāmī Caturdaśapūrvadharasthūlabhadrasvāminam Svaśiṣyaṁ Pratīpādayāñcākāra - Śrutam Ākarnitam, Guruparamparayetyādi” Where the Daśā ends, there (tti bemi' on this word, the commentator writes: "Iti Bravīmi Yad Bhagavatā Sarvavidopadishṭam Mayākarnitam Iti Tadhamapī Bhadrabahusvāmi Pratīpādayāmīti Bhāvaḥ" This statement also clearly proves that Shri Bhadrabahu Swami has quoted the words of Shri Bhagavan, and that too from the beginning of the rejection. Therefore, this Sūtra is completely authentic and in fact, it was composed by the Gaṇadharas.