Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
## Fourth Chapter
### The Thirty-Three Ashatanas (Aphorisms) Proclaimed by the Venerable Ones
**1 to 6** Description of the Ashatanas
**10th** Ashatana Description
**11th** Ashatana Description
**12th** Ashatana Description
**13th and 14th** Ashatana Description
**15th and 16th** Ashatana Description
**17th and 18th** Ashatana Description
**19th** Ashatana Description
**20th, 21st, 22nd** Ashatana Description
**23rd, 24th, and 25th** Ashatana Description
**Dasha Shruta Skandha Sutra**
### Fifth Chapter
**The Eight Ganis (Merits) Proclaimed by the Venerable Ones**
**Names of the Eight Merits**
**26th** Ashatana Description
**27th, 28th, and 29th** Ashatana Description
**30th** Ashatana Description
**31st, 32nd, and 33rd** Ashatana Description
**The Thirty-Three Ashatanas Proclaimed by the Venerable Ones.**
**Explanation of Achar-Sampat (Merit of Conduct)**
**Explanation of Shruta-Sampat (Merit of Knowledge)**
**Explanation of Sharira-Sampat (Merit of Body)**
**Explanation of Vachan and Vachana Sampat (Merit of Speech and Eloquence)**
**Explanation of Mati-Sampat (Merit of Intellect)**
**Explanation of Prayog and Sangrah Sampat (Merit of Practice and Collection)**
**Four Types of Vinaya (Discipline) for a Disciple by the Acharya**
**Types of Achar-Vinaya (Discipline of Conduct)**
**Types of Shruta-Vinaya (Discipline of Knowledge)**
**Vिक्षेपणा Vinaya (Discipline of Distractions)**
**Ten Subjects of Samadhi (Meditation)**
**Description of a Trading Village**
**Doshanirghatan Vinaya (Discipline of Eliminating Faults)**
**Description of Four Types of Vinaya-Pratipatti (Understanding of Discipline) for a Disciple**
**Types of Upkarana Utpadan (Production of Tools)**
**Types of Sahayata-Vinaya (Discipline of Assistance)**
**Types of Varna Sanjwalanata-Vinaya (Discipline of Illumination)**
**Types of Pratyavaroha-Vinaya (Discipline of Descent)**
### Sixth Chapter
**Description of the Duties of Nirgranthas (Ascetics) and Nirgranthis (Nuns) by the Shraman Bhagwan Mahavira**
**Description of the Four Samadhis (Meditations) - Dharma Chintana, etc.**
**Description of the Remaining Six Samadhis**
**Description of Dharma Chinta (Meditation on Dharma)**