Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
Maya = Maya (illusion)
Maya = Mother
Maya-e = From Maya
Maya-o = From Maya
Maya - Mosan = Maya - motivated false speech, deceitful lie, the seventeenth place of sin
Maya - Mosa-o = From deceitful lie
Mare-i = Kills
Massas = Of one month
Masian = Monthly
Masiya = Of one month
Mahan-Mahan or Brahman
Mahane = Mahan, a Shravak who listens to non-violent teachings
Miccha - Dansan - Sallao = False vision surgery, due to false vision, repeatedly
giving pain like thorns in the mind, the eighteenth place of sin
Milati = Meet
Militta = Together
Muing = Mridag
Munde = Shaved
Mundeh = Shave
Shabdarth Kosh
Muchhiya = Fainting, attached
Mutthi = With fist
Mutthi - Magge = Path of liberation
Musa - Vayan = To lie
Mool - Bhoyanam = Food of the root, food of the roots of the tree
Mehunam = Intercourse
Modiy - Niyal - Juy - See
Mohanijjata-e = Under the influence of the captivating karma
Mohan - Guna = Qualities arising from delusion
Mohan - Thanain = Place of captivating karma
Mohanijjan = Captivating karma
Y = And
Ratthas = Of the nation, of the country
Rati = Delight
Ratti - Parimankade = In the night, the quantity of intercourse
Ranna = From the king
Ranno = Of the king
Rayan - Karandak - Samani - Jewels of the box
Rasiyan = Full of juice
Rahvara = Excellent chariot
Raha = Chariot
Rai - Bhoinan - Night food
Ovarayam = Day and night
Ratiniya - Paribhasi = One who speaks freely in front of the Acharya, Upadhyaya, etc. gurus, one who uses the fifth place of inattention
Rayanie = Ratnik Acharya, etc. gurus
Rayanie-nam = Of the Ratnakar (with)