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"Yoga Anuyoga." This statement implies that the Ganadharas were the first to compile the Sutras, therefore the Dasha Shruta Skandha Sutra is also attributed to the Ganadharas. This statement proves that, like other Sutras, this Sutra was also composed by the Ganadharas. However, the doubt arises that while the beginning of other Sutras attributed to the Ganadharas only contain the text "Suyam me Ausam Tenam Bhagavaya Evam Akhayam," this Sutra begins with the longer text "Iha Khalu Therahin Bhagavantehin Visati Asamahithana Pannaatta." This suggests that the Theras (elders) compiled the Sutras on conduct from the Sutras attributed to the Ganadharas and created this Sutra for the understanding of new disciples, as the role of the Theras is clearly evident in this Sutra. The agent of the verb "Prajnapta" here is the Theras, not the Ganadharas. The commentator also concludes that this Sutra was edited by Shri Bhadrabahu Swami Maharaj. He clarifies this point in the following commentary on the same Sutra: "Suyam me" etc. - the meaning of the Sutra is explained - Bhagavan Bhadrabahu Swami tells his disciple Sthulabhadra: "Shrutamaakarnitam Guruparyayena, Me - Maya, Ausanti - Aayurjeevitam Tatsanyam Pradhanataya Prashasta Prabhutam Yasya Sa Aayushman, Tasyamantaranam He Aayushman! Shishya! Tenantiya Sannihit-Vyavahit-Sukshma-Sthula-Bahya-Adhyatma-Ekasakala-Padartheshv Avyahat-Vachanataya-Aptatvena Jagati Pratiit-Stena Mahavirena Bhagavata Jnanaadyaishvaryayute Naivaamuna Vakyamanena Vimsatyadina Prakarena - Khyatam-Asankirna-Ashraddha-Sadhukaraneya-Lakshanarupena Vidhina-Athava Heyopadeya-Rupa-Samasta-Vastu-Vistara-Lakshnena Vyapara-Lakshnena-Akyatam-Kathitam-Iharhadvachane Khalu Vakyalankare Sthavirairganadharai Sudharma-Jambu-Bhadrabahaadi-Shruta-Kevali-Bhir-Visati-Asamadhi-Sthanani Asamadher-Asama-Dhanasya Sthanani Padani Prajnaptaani Pratipaditaani Iti." In this commentary, the word "Sthavira" refers to all the Shruta-Kevalis, including Sudharmaswami, Jambuswami, and Bhadrabahu. The commentator of the Dasha Shruta Skandha Sutra also supports this view. He writes: "Vandami Bhaddabahum Paainam Charimasayalasuyanaanim Suttasas Karagamisan Dasasu Kappe Ya Vavahare." This means that I bow to Shri Bhadrabahu Swami, the ultimate knower of all scriptures, and the author of the Dasha Shruta Skandha Sutra, Brihatkalpa, and Vyavahar Sutra. Matikirti Gani Ji, while writing a commentary on this, further clarifies this point. This commentary also resolves many other doubts. Therefore, for the convenience of our readers, we are also providing that commentary here: