Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
## English Translation:
**Divva** = Relating to Gods
**Div** = Like a protective wall, similar to a fortified island
**Div-Samuddesu** = In islands and oceans
**Dukkadanam** = Evil deeds, bad karma
**Dukkha** = Painful
**Dukkhan** = To cause pain
**Dukkha-Doy** = Two types, i.e. physical and mental pain
**Dukkhahiyasam** = Painfully endured
**Dukketi** = Causes pain
**Duggam** = Inaccessible
**Ducharia** = One who has evil conduct, whose routine is evil
**Duchchinna** = Evil, inauspicious
**Duttass** = Evil, inauspicious
**Dutte** = Evil or hateful
**Shabdarth Kosha**
**Duhm** = For two
**Duti (a) jjamane** = Going
**Dudharam** = Difficult to bear, like a fracture, extremely difficult to bear
**Duppadayananda** = One who is happy with evil deeds. One who is happy with difficulty.
**Dupp (p) majjiyachari** = One who practices evil purification, i.e. one who purifies himself improperly. One who practices the third type of inattention.
**Duppya** = Two-legged being, human
**Dusparichay** = One who associates with evil people
**Dummna** = Sad mind, troubled mind
**Duyaanhm** = Two days
**Durannuneya** = One who has a bad nature or follows evil people
**Durahiyas** = Painfully endured
**Dullabh-Bohiye** = Difficult to understand, difficult to comprehend
**Duve** = Two
**Duvvaya** = One who practices bad vows, one who has bad conduct
**Durasanchaarin** = Difficult to go to
**Dussila** = Immoral, one who has a bad nature
**Duti-Palase-Dutipalashak** = Named after the Dutipalashak (garden)
**Dev-Kulaani** = Temple of the Gods
**Dev-Jui-Devdyuti** = Divine light
**Devattae** = Divine form
**Dev-Dansane** = Divine vision
**Dev-Loesu** = In the divine realms
**Dev-Logao-Dev-Lok** = From the divine realms
**Devanuppia** = Beloved of the Gods
**Devanubhavam** = Divine power, the power of the Gods
**Deviddhim** = Divine power, the power of the Gods
**Deve** = God
**Desavagasiyam** = Country-free vow, a vow of the Shravaka (lay follower) that limits direction and material possessions.