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## Dashami Dasha
**With Hindi Commentary**
It is said that this nidana (cause) is not an obstacle on the path of Dharma, just like other nidanas. This is what should be known about the superior, medium, and inferior nidanas. In short, the result of karma is according to the sankalpas (intentions).
Then the Sutrakar (author of the sutras) says, in relation to this:
"Does it happen that those who are non-householders, Bhagavants, who are in the assembly of the path, who are in the assembly of the language, who are Brahmachari (celibate), while dwelling in that dwelling, for many years, having observed the vows, when they are afflicted or not afflicted, even when they reject the devotees? Yes, they reject them. Do they cut off many devotees from food? Yes, they cut them off. Having considered this, they return, attain samadhi, and after spending a month or a year, they are reborn as deities in other divine realms. Thus, O Shraman! O Ayushman! This is the nature of the result of this nidana, which cannot be accumulated, and by the very acceptance of this existence, it leads to liberation, until it brings an end to all suffering."
**Word by Word Meaning:**
Se - that, Nam - is, Bhavathi - happens, Se - that, Ath - then, Je - who, Anagara - non-householder, Bhagavanto - Bhagavants, Iriya-Samia - assembly of the path, Bhasa-Samia - assembly of the language, Jav - until, Brahmayari - Brahmachari, Tenam - by that, Viharen - dwelling, Viharmane - dwelling, Bahui - many, Vasai - years, Pariyagam - vows, Paunaishtta - observed, Aabaha - afflicted, Anutpanna - not afflicted, Jav - until, Bhattai - devotees, Pacchakkhaaejja - reject, Hanta - yes, Pacchakkhaaejja - reject, Bahui - many, Bhattai - devotees, Anasanai - food, Chhedijja - cut off, Hanta - yes, Chhedijja - cut off, Aloiy - having considered, Padikkanta - return, Samahipatta - attain samadhi, Kalmaase - month, Kalam - year, Kiccha - having spent, Annayare - other, Devaloese - divine realms, Devattaae - deities, Uvavattaro - rebirth, Bhavanti - become, Evam - thus, Khalu - indeed, Samanau - Shraman, Aayushman - Ayushman, Tass - that, Nidanas - nidana, Imeyaruve - this nature, Pap-Phal-Vivaage - result of the karma, Jan - which, No - cannot, Sanchaaeti - be accumulated, Ten - by that, Bhavaggaha - acceptance of existence, Nen - by, Sijjhejj - leads to liberation, Jav - until, Savva - all, Dukkha - suffering, Anam - end, Karejja - brings.