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## Dashami Dasha
**With Hindi Commentary**
Those who are born from the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and ether) are filled with impurities. They are born from **vat**, **pitta**, **sukk**, **shukra**, and **soniya** (blood). They have **duruv** (foul) **ussas** (exhalation) and **nissasa** (inhalation). They are filled with **mutt** (urine) and **puris** (feces). They are the **vantaasava** (doorway for vomiting) and **pittaasava** (doorway for bile). **Khelaasava** (phlegm) also flows from them. After death, or before old age, they must be abandoned.
**Original Meaning:**
O **Ayushman** (venerable one), O **Shraman** (ascetic)! This is how I have explained the Dharma. This is the **nirgrantha** (unbound) discourse, the truth, and the destroyer of all suffering. The **nirgrantha** (or **nirgranthi**) who, while seeking this Dharma, experiences the arising of **bhubhukhsa** (hunger) and other desires, yet remains steadfast in the path of **samyama** (self-restraint), attains **vairagya** (dispassion) towards worldly desires. For they are **aniyat** (uncertain), **anity** (impermanent), and **kshanik** (fleeting). Their decay, corruption, and destruction are their Dharma. The human body, the foundation of these desires, is made of **vishta** (feces), **mutra** (urine), **shleeshma** (phlegm), **mal** (impurities), **nasika ka mal** (nasal discharge), **vaman** (vomit), **pitta** (bile), **shukra** (semen), and **soniya** (blood). It is filled with foul exhalations and inhalations. It is full of foul-smelling urine and feces. It is the doorway for vomiting. Bile and phlegm constantly flow from it. It must be abandoned after death or before old age.
This sutra highlights that **nirgrantha** and **nirgranthi** have experienced the impermanence of worldly desires and the human body, and have developed dispassion towards them. When desires arise, they reflect that worldly desires and the body that supports them are impermanent, fleeting, and destined for destruction. Decay, corruption, and destruction are their natural Dharma. It is made of impurities, urine, phlegm, semen, and blood. Foul-smelling exhalations and inhalations constantly emanate from it. It is always full of urine and feces. It is the doorway for vomiting. Phlegm and bile constantly flow from it. It must be abandoned completely, whether after death or before old age.