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Dashami Dasha
With Hindi Commentary
Now the Sutrakar speaks of the fruit of the said Karma:
"Thus, O Shramanayushman! The Nigganthi Nidana Karma, having been done, without being reviewed, and having passed the time of death, is reborn as a deity in one of the Devalokas. In the Mahiddhikas, as long as she remains a deity, as long as she enjoys pleasures, then, due to the exhaustion of the Ayuh-kshaya, Bhav-kshaya, and Sthiti-kshaya of those Devalokas, she abandons that state and is reborn as a daughter in one of the families of the Ugra-putras, Maha-svadukas, or Bhog-putras, Maha-matrikas. There, she is born as a beautiful and delicate girl."
Shramanayushman - O Ayushman! O Shraman!
Evam Khalu - Thus, certainly
Nigganthi - Nirgranthi
Nidana - Nidana Karma
Kiccha - Having done
Tass - Of that
Thanass - Place
Analoiy - Without review
Appaddikkanta - Without retreating
Kalamase - At the time of death
Kalang Kiccha - Having passed the time
Annatresu Devaloesu - In one of the Devalokas
Devattae - As a deity
Uvavattaro Bhavati - Is reborn
Mahiddhiyesu - In the Mahiddhikas
Jav - As long as
Sa Nan - She
Tath - There
Deve Bhavati - Remains a deity
Jav - As long as
Bhujmaani - Enjoying pleasures
Viharati - She dwells
Tass - Of that