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Dasha Shruta Skandha Sutra
Tenth Dasha
If a Nirgranthi, present to receive the teachings of this Dharma, becomes afflicted by hunger, thirst, or other bodily needs, and succumbs to the desires of the senses, and sees a woman who is the sole wife of her husband, adorned with garments and ornaments of a single kind, whose husband protects her as a lamp of sesame oil is protected in the land of Saurashtra, who is well-received like a chest of fine clothes, and who is beloved by her husband like a casket of jewels, and who is surrounded by many male and female servants both inside and outside the house, and at the call of one servant, four or five others appear unbidden, eagerly awaiting her commands and respectfully inquiring what she desires, then the Nirgranthi makes a judgment.
Now the Sutrakar describes how the act of judgment arises from seeing:
"Santhi imassa sucharissassa tava-niyama-bhambacheer jav bhunjamani viharami se tam sahooni."
"Astyasya sucharitasya, tapa-niyama-brahmacharayasya-yavad bhujana viharami, tadetat sadhu."
Word-by-word meaning:
"Imasssa" - of this "sucharissassa" - virtuous conduct "tava" - your "niyama" - rules "bhambacheer" - of celibacy "jav" - if "bhunjamani" - enjoying "viharami" - I also wander "se tam sahooni" - this is good.
"If there is any special fruit of this pure conduct, your rules, and celibacy, then I too will enjoy such pleasures. This is a good hope."
This Sutra explains that when the Sadhvi sees the aforementioned woman, she begins to hope in her mind that she will experience such pleasures as the fruit of her own tapas, rules, and celibacy. This hope is the act of judgment.