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Dasha Shruta Skandha Sutra
Dashami Dasha
Ahapdiruvam Ugghaham Anujaneatta Seniyassa Ranno Bhambhasarassa Eyam Advam Piyam Nivedaha.
Thus, O beloved of the gods! King Shrenika, Bimbisara, commands. When the Shraman, the Bhagavan Mahavira, the Adikar, the Tirthankara, desiring to attain liberation, travels in sequence, going from village to village, dwelling in comfort, cultivating his self through restraint and austerity, then you should recognize him as he truly is, and having recognized him as he truly is, convey this message to King Shrenika, that it is dear to him.
Padyarthanvaya: Evam - thus, in the sense of affirmation, Devanuppiya - O beloved of the gods! Senie Raya - King Shrenika, Bhambhasare - Bimbisara or Bhambhasara, Anavayi - commands, Jada Nam - when, Samane - Shraman, Bhagavam - Bhagavan, Mahavire - Mahavira, Adiгаре - the founder of religion, Titthiyare - the one who establishes four pilgrimages, Jav - as long as, Sampavio - desiring, Kame - liberation-going, Puvvaanu - in sequence, Putvim - traveling, Gamaanugama - from one village to another, Dutijjamane - going, Suham Suhenam - comfortably, Viharamane - dwelling, Sanjamena - with restraint and, Tavasa - austerity, Appaanam - his own soul, Bhavamane - cultivating, Viharizja - here he dwells, that is, he arrives, Taya Nam - at that time, Tumhe - you people, Bhagavo - Bhagavan, Mahavirass - Mahavira, Yathapratirupa Avgraha Dekar - giving him a proper reception, Bhambhasara - King Bhambhasara, Eyan - this, Piyam - dear, Atum - news, Nivedaha - convey.
Mulartha: Thus, O beloved of the gods! King Shrenika, Bimbisara, commands that when the Adikar, the founder of the pilgrimage, and the one who desires liberation, Sri Bhagavan Mahavira Swami, travels in sequence, comfortably from one village to another, and cultivates his own soul within himself, when he arrives in this city, then you people should give Sri Mahavira Swami the things that are worthy of being received by a sage, and having given them, convey this dear news to King Shrenika, Bimbisara.