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## Fifth Dasha
**With Hindi Commentary**
**- Knowledge and**
**Word-by-word meaning:** Auso - O, auspicious disciple! Evam - thus, Abhisamagamm - knowing, Chittam - (mind free from attachment and aversion), Antahkaranam - inner being, Aadaya - taking, Dharan - holding, Seni-Sudhidarshan - pure series of pure vision, Uvagamm - attaining, Aaya - comes, Atma - soul, Suddhi-Suddhi - purity-purity, Uvagai-Pra - attaining, Tti - thus, Bem - I say, Iti - thus, Panchama - fifth, Dasha - Dasha, Samatta - completed.
**Meaning:** O, auspicious disciple! Thus, knowing (the different types of Samadhi), holding the mind free from attachment and aversion, and attaining the pure series, the soul attains purity, meaning it attains the state of liberation.
**Commentary:** This Sutra concludes the Dasha presented in it. In conclusion, addressing the disciple, it is said, "O, auspicious disciple! One should hold the mind free from attachment and aversion and attain self-purification, because attachment and aversion are the main obstacles to self-purification. If these two are removed from the inner being, the soul will automatically become pure. In addition, one should know well the aforementioned ten types of Samadhi-sthana, and by seeing their nature through knowledge, one should attain self-purification through knowledge, vision, and conduct.
The word 'Chittam' also means knowledge, so pure Chittam means self-purification through knowledge.
The Sutra states that by attaining the pure series, the soul attains purity. Two types of series are described: Dravya-Shreni and Bhava-Shreni. Dravya-Shreni refers to the series of steps built for ascending a palace, etc. Bhava-Shreni is again of two types: Vishuddha Bhava-Shreni and Avisuddha Bhava-Shreni. Through the Avisuddha Bhava-Shreni, the soul wanders in the cycle of Samsara, and through the Vishuddha Bhava-Shreni, it goes towards liberation. Therefore, only the Vishuddha Bhava-Shreni can remove the karmic impurities. The Sutra also states, "Akdevar Seni Musia," etc. Therefore, it is proven that the pure series can remove karmic impurities, and by becoming pure from them, the soul attains the state of liberation.
**- Self-purification**