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## The Fifth Stage: Chitta-Samadhi
The fourth stage described the wealth of the Ganis. A Gani, filled with this wealth, becomes Samadhi-Sampaanna. However, until he gains proper knowledge of Chitta-Samadhi, he cannot enter Samadhi in the right way. Therefore, in relation to the fourth stage, the Sutrakar describes Chitta-Samadhi in this fifth stage.
Chitta-Samadhi is the state where the mind remains steady in the path of liberation, Dharma-Dhyana, etc. It is of two types: Dravya-Chitta-Samadhi and Bhava-Chitta-Samadhi. If a person desires to enjoy worldly objects and achieves them, attaining mental stability through them, it is called Dravya-Samadhi. Bhava-Chitta-Samadhi is the experience of the nature of useful objects by focusing the mind on knowledge, perception, and conduct. When the unskillful mind is suppressed and the skillful mind manifests, Samadhi arises naturally in the mind.
Maintaining equality in the five senses and the unity of substances through mutual equality is Dravya-Samadhi. Just as sugar mixed in milk in the right proportion can be particularly enjoyable, but if it is more or less, it will never be satisfactory, similarly, Dravya-Samadhi can only be achieved if the substances are combined in the right proportion. Likewise, the area where the mind becomes absorbed in Samadhi is called Kshetra-Samadhi, and the time in which the mind...