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## Fourth Chapter
**With Hindi Commentary**
**Word-by-word meaning:** - What is that - what is that **Bhar-pacchoruhaṇayā-Bhar-pratyavarohaṇatā** (Vinaya)? (The Guru says) **Bhar-pacchoruhaṇayā-Bhar-pratyavarohaṇatā** (Vinaya) is of four types - four types of **paṇṇattā** - exposition. Just as - just as **asangahīya-parijana-sangahittā-asangrahīta-parijana** - the gathering of disciples who are not yet established, the gathering of disciples who are not yet established, **shiṣyādi** - disciples etc., **bhavai** - becomes, **seh** - that **shaiksh** - teacher, **āyār** - conduct and **goyar** - conduct **vidhi** - method **sangahittā** - teaching, **bhavai** - becomes, **sāhimmāyass** - of a fellow-religionist, **gilāyamāṇass** - when he is sick, **ahāthām** - as much as possible, **veyāvacche** - for service, **abbhuṭṭittā** - eager, **bhavai** - becomes, **sāhimmāyāṇam** - of fellow-religionists, **paraspar** - mutual **adhigaraṇansi** - conflict (quarrel), **uppanṇansi** - when it arises, **tath** - there, **aṇisittōvasīye** - without attachment and aversion, **vasittō** - residing, **apakkhaggahīya** - not taking sides, **vasittō** - residing, **majjhatth** - in the middle, **bhāva-bhūte** - with the feeling, **samm** - properly, **vavharamaṇe** - conducting, **tass** - of that **adhigaraṇass** - conflict, **khāmāvaṇāe** - for forgiveness, **viuusamaṇattāe** - for pacification, **sayāsamiyam** - at all times, **abbhuṭṭittā** - eager, **bhavai** - becomes, **kaham nu?** - how so? (The Guru says) When the quarrel is pacified, the **sāhimmā** - fellow-religionist **sādhū** - virtuous, **appkalhā** - will not speak harshly, **appjhañjhā** - will not speak inauspiciously, **apptumantuma** - will not say 'you' 'you' to each other, and their **sanyam** - **bahulā** - restraint will be abundant, **sanvar** - **bahulā** - control will be abundant, **samāhi** - **bahulā** - concentration will be abundant, and **appmattā** - without negligence, **sanjameṇ** - with restraint and **tavasā** - austerity, **appāṇam** - their own soul, **bhāvemaṇāṇam** - contemplating, **evam cha** - in this way, **viharejja** - they will conduct themselves, **ṇam** - is in the sense of a figure of speech. This is that - this is that **Bhar-pacchoruhaṇayā-Bhar-pratyavarohaṇatā** (Vinaya). This - this indeed, **therehiṁ** - by the **sthavira** - elders, **bhagavantehiṁ** - the **bhagavants** - the enlightened ones, **sā** - that **aḍavihā** - eight types of **gaṇi-sampyā** - **gaṇi** - wealth, **paṇṇattā** - exposition, **tibemi** - I say, **iti** - thus, **chautthā** - fourth, **dasā** - chapter, **samattā** - completed.
**Original meaning:** - What is **Bhar-pratyavarohaṇatā**? **Bhar-pratyavarohaṇatā** is expounded in four ways, such as - gathering disciples who are not yet established, teaching new disciples the conduct and method of conduct, serving a fellow-religionist when he is sick, and when there is mutual conflict among fellow-religionists, abandoning attachment and aversion,