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## Fourth Chapter
**With Hindi Commentary**
The meaning is not to lock up books in a chest, nor is it to study the text without understanding its meaning, but to study the text with an understanding of its meaning. The question arises, what is the meaning of the word "Sutra"? The answer is that which informs about the meaning is called a Sutra, or that which is without meaning, like a seed, and whose meaning is not understood, is called a Sutra, and that which binds the meanings is also a Sutra, or that which is a Sutra-like guide. Therefore, one should study the Sutras with meaning and method, so that one can achieve real Shruta-knowledge.
Now the Sutrakar describes the subject of Viksepanavinaya:
**What is this Viksepanavinaya? Viksepanavinaya is described as fourfold, as follows: one who makes a person who has not seen the right faith see it, one who makes a person who has seen the right faith become a true follower of the faith, one who establishes a person who has fallen from the faith back into the faith, and one who raises a person for the benefit, happiness, forgiveness, liberation, and following of that very faith. This is Viksepanavinaya.**
**Word by Word Meaning:**
**Se kim tam -** What is that?
**Viksepanavinaya -** Viksepanavinaya?
**(Guru says)**
**Viksepanavinaya -** Viksepanavinaya
**Chauvhihe -** fourfold
**Pannatte -** described
**Tam jaha -** as follows
**Adittha-dhamma -** one who has not seen the right faith
**Dittha-puvvagattae -** in the right faith
**Vineitta bhavai -** establishes
**Kintu jo dittha-puvvagam -** but one who has seen the right faith
**Sadharmiyattae -** in true following of the faith
**Vineitta -** establishes
**Arthat usko sahdharmi banave -** that is, makes him a true follower of the faith
**Chuy-dhammao -** one who has fallen from the faith
**Dhamme -** in the faith
**Thavaitta -** establishes
**Bhavai -** is
**Tassev -** of that very
**Dhammass -** faith
**Hiyae -** for the benefit
**Suhae -** for the happiness
**Khamae -** for the forgiveness
**Nissesae -** for the liberation
**Anugamiyattae -** for the following
**Abbhudhetta bhavai -** raises