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## Fourth Dasha
**With Hindi Commentary**
In actions, the one whose yogas are firm, is the one who has the meaning of the 'ya' sound in the collective sense. The one who does not engage in **asampgahiya**, **appa**, **ahankara**, the one who wanders without **aniyat-vitti**, **apratibandha**, the one who adopts the nature of the **vudda-sile bhava**, the one who is free from fickleness in every action and possesses the quality of **gambhirya** by the words 'avi' and 'ye', this is the **achar-sampya-achar-sampat**.
**Original Meaning:** The disciple asked, "O Bhagavan! What is **achar-sampat**?" The Guru replied, "**Achar-sampat** is described as being of four types. For example: 1- Being firm in **yoga** in the actions of **samyama**. 2- Being free from **ahankara**. 3- Wandering without **apratibandha**. 4- Adopting the nature of the elders. These are the four types of **achar-sampat**."
**Commentary:** In this sutra, the Guru describes **achar-sampat** in the form of a question and answer between the Guru and the disciple. For example, the disciple asked, "O Bhagavan! What is **achar-sampat**?" The Guru replied, "O disciple! The firmness of character is called **achar-sampat**. But it has four divisions, for example: 1- Being firm in **yoga** in the actions of **samyama**, meaning that it is necessary to have stability in **yogas** in all the actions of **samyama**, because only then can these actions be followed properly. 2- Not being **ahankara** upon receiving the title of **gani** or upon the dominance of the actions of **samyama**, meaning that one should always remain humble in front of everyone, only then can **achar** remain pure, not from false pride. 3- Wandering without **apratibandha**, because only the person who wanders without **apratibandha** can have a firm **achar**. The one who is **sthira-vas-sevi** often has laxity in their **achar**. Therefore, the **gani** should always be **aniyat-vritti**. 4- If for some reason, the position of **gani** is attained at a young age, then one should make their nature like that of the elders, because as long as the nature remains fickle, there is a possibility of **atichaar** and other defects in **achar-sampat**. Therefore, there must be a change in nature, only then can **achar** be pure.
Because the life of a human being is truly **achar**, therefore, it should be protected especially. This is **achar-sampat**.