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## Second Chapter
## With Hindi Commentary
Now the Sutrakar describes the third Shabala:
**Rai - Bhoananam Bhumjamane Shabale || 3 ||**
There are individuals in the world who are constantly immersed in worldly desires, making their pure life tainted with Shabala-dosha. However, a person with good intentions should never do such a thing.
**Ratri Bhojanam Bhumjanah Shabala || 3 ||**
**Word by word meaning:** Rai - Bhoananam - Ratri mein bhojan bhumjamane - Bhogate hue Shabale - Shabala dosha lagta hai.
**Meaning:** Eating at night leads to Shabala dosha.
**Commentary:** This Sutra discusses the consumption of food at night for the sake of preserving life. For example, "Bhujyate iti bhojanam ratrau bhojanam ratri - bhojanam". Consuming food like grains at night is called "Ratri - Bhojan". The four parts of food like grains are described as follows: 1 - From the substance - grains, etc., 2 - From the field - time field evidence, 3 - From time - (a) Food consumed during the day is eaten during the day (b) Food consumed during the day is eaten at night (c) Food consumed at night is eaten during the day (d) Food consumed at night is eaten at night, 4 - From emotion - If food like grains is being consumed with attachment and aversion, then also Shabala dosha is obtained. It should be kept in mind that out of the four divisions of time, the first division is pure, the remaining three are impure.
Eating food in a proper way does not lead to Shabala dosha. This Sutra states that eating at night is tainted with Shabala-dosha.
Now the question arises, what is the harm in eating at night? The Guru answers that eating at night, firstly, does not allow for the complete observance of the Ahimsa Vrat, because subtle beings can be seen with the naked eye during the day in a way that they cannot be seen at night. Therefore, it is proven that one should not eat at night for the sake of protecting life. Secondly, at night, living and non-living things like thorns are not clearly visible, and it is very possible for them to enter food, leading to various types of...