4 cooked or supporting cooking for the monks only then it is pure from !
nine angles. It should be free from faults related to offering (Eshana)
regarding its collection (udgam) and is production. It should be normally 4 lifeless. It should be free from life. It should be free from activities of the
living being due to completion of life span. It should be without a body. It should have been without life. That food should be free from faults
relating to mixing, taking hurriedly in company, appreciating the food y and others. It should have been collected for any one of six reasons for
having food and for protecting living beings of six kinds (five kinds of immobile and one kind of mobile living beings). A monk should pass his daily life with such a type of worthy food.
Elaboration—'What type of food is acceptable for the detached?' The author has replied to this question in the aforesaid aphorism. In brief, it should be free of all the faults of alms-collection and eating as mentioned in the chapter of Ahimsa Samvar. It should be pure nine-ways and free ! of faults related to cooking, and others, free of life, pure and a
A monk can accept only the food that is taken for purpose of protecting 41 six classes of living beings. He should subsist only on pure food.
Six causes for taking food as mentioned in the scriptures are :
(1) To cool down the feeling relating to hunger, (2) To maintain capability for serving the Acharya and other senior monks, (3) Tb practice properly the rules relating to care while moving, (4) To practice ascetic restraints, (5) To protect ones life-force, (6) To practice meditation according to scriptures.
१६०. जं पि य समणस्स सुविहियस्स उ रोगायके बहुप्पकारंमि समुप्पण्णे वायाहिक-पित्तसिंभअइरित्तकुविय-तहसण्णिवायजाए व उदयपत्ते उज्जल-बल-विउल (तिउल) कक्खडपगाढदुक्खे असुभकडुयफरुसे चंडफलविवागे महन्भये जीवियंतकरणे सव्वसरीरपरितावणकरे ण कप्पइ तारिसे वि तह ।
अप्पणो परस्स वा ओसहभेसज्जं भत्तपाणं च तं पि सण्णिहिकयं। ॐ १६०. सुविहित-शास्त्रोक्त विधिनुसार आचरण करने वाले साधु के शरीर में यदि अनेक प्रकार के । * ज्वर आदि रोग और जीवन को संकट या कठिनाई में डालने वाली व्याधि उत्पन्न हो जाये, वात, पित्त ॐ या कफ का अतिशय प्रकोप हो जाये, अथवा सन्निपात-वात-पित्त-कफ तीनों दोषों का एक साथ
प्रकोप हो जाये और इसके कारण सुख के लेशमात्र से रहित, प्रबल-कष्ट से भोगने योग्य विपुलॐ चिरकाल तक अनुभव किये जाने वाले (या त्रितुल-तीनों योगों को तोलने वाले-कष्टमय बना देने वाले),
בכתב תב תג
श्री प्रश्नव्याकरण सूत्र
Shri Prashna Vyakaran Sutra
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