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8. Bhaava Satya-For instances a substance has many qualities but to express it with that which is most prominent. For instance to call a parrot as green although it has red beak also.
9. Yog Satya-To address a thing with a particular word as it is joined fi with another thing. For instance to call a person as dandi (one holding stick) as he is holding danda (the stick).
10. Upama Satya-To express a word due to its certain similarity with the illustration for instance to call a beautiful woman as Chandra-mukhi (one who has face as beautiful as the moon).
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In the scriptures (Agams) language has been classified from different angles. In order to understand them in detail one should study 55 Dashvaikalik Sutra and Prajnapana Sutra. In the present aphorism, 5 twelve types of languages have been mentioned. They are the languages prevalent at that time. They are—(1) Prakrit, (2) Sanskrit, (3) Magadhi, (4) Paishachi, (5) Shauraseni, and (6) Apabhramsh. Six in prose and six in verse. So there are twelve languages. SIXTEEN PARTS OF SPEECH
The original text mentions sixteen parts of speech covering three numbers including singular, three genders including masculine, three tenses including present, adjectives of four kinds and concealed meaning. The person who wants to speak truth should have knowledge 4 of these sixteen.
Abhayadev Suri has mentioned sixteen parts of speech. They are as follows
Three on the basis of number (Vachan trik)-Singular, to express two; plural.
Three genders (Ling trik)--Masculine, feminine, neutral gender. Three tense (Kaal trik)--Past, present and future. Expression of Present State (Pratyaksh Vachan). For instance—This is the man. Expression about distant person—(Paroksh Vachan). For instance that monk'
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श्री प्रश्नव्याकरण सूत्र
Shri Prashna Vyakaran Sutra
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