(46) Yajna-To make one free from fear, to serve, to be compassionate, to help others all these are yajna (sacrifice). It is the worship that pleases the soul-the godhood in the soul.
(47) Ayatan-It is the seat of all good qualities.
(48) Jayana-It lies in alertness towards protection of beings. It inspires fearlessness.
(49) Apramaad (Devoid of Slackness)-It is discarding of slackness. It lies in being ever alert.
(50) Aashvasan (Support)-It is support for all living beings. It provides solace in pain.
(51) Vishvas (Trust)-It is the cause of trust in all living beings.
(52) Abhaya (Fearlessness)-It provides freedom from fear to all living beings. It makes the practitioner fearless.
(53) Sarvasya Amaghat-It is the declaration prohibiting violence to all the living beings.
(54) Choksha-It is the best and meritorious for all.
(55) Pavitra-It is extremely pure. It saves from the attack of dreadful, vajra-like sin.
(56) Shuchi-It is purity of thought.
(57) Poota (Worship)-It is the worship of god with a pure or meritorious bent of mind.
(58) Vimala (Spotless)-It is the cause of dirt-free (spotless) state of soul. (59) Prabhasa (Brightness)-It provides brightness or aura to the soul.
(60) Nirmalatara-It makes the soul totally clean.
The (above said and other suchlike) synonyms of Ahimsa are based on its qualities.
विवेचन : प्रस्तुत पाठ में अहिंसा को भगवती कहकर भगवान की तरह असंख्य गुणों वाली बताकर उसकी असाधारण महिमा प्रकट की गई है। साथ ही यह भी स्पष्ट किया गया है कि चाहे नर हो, सुर हो अथवा असुर हो, या इनसे भिन्न पशु-पक्षी आदि हों, सबके लिए अहिंसा ही शरणभूत है । अथाह सागर में डूबते हुए मनुष्य को जैसे द्वीप मिल जाये तो उसकी रक्षा हो जाती है, उसी प्रकार संसार-सागर में दुःख पा रहे हुए प्राणियों के लिए भगवती अहिंसा त्राणदायिनी है।
श्रु. २, प्रथम अध्ययन : अहिंसा संवर
(259) Sh.2, First Chapter: Non-Violence Samvar
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