gods have a desire for it. It is the slippery ground to involve the living beings. With its contact the living beings go astray just as the touch of moss makes one slip. It is like a snare to trap the worldly beings and a net to catch them. The feeling of lust in women for man (stri ved), lust in man for woman (purush ved) and lust for both (napunsak ved) are the expressions distinguishing it. It is an obstacle in ascetic discipline, austerities and celibacy. It is the very foundation of slackness that destroys right conduct or good behaviour. Cowards, weak and persons belonging to depressed classes follow it. People practicing good conduct discard it. It has its roots in all the three worlds-the heaven, the hell and the central world (inhabited by animals and human beings). It is the cause of old age, death, disease, sorrow and worries. It does not come to an end even when one is beaten, maimed or killed. It is the cause of bondage of perception-deluding (darshan mohaniya) karma and conduct deluding Karma. Since beginningless time the living beings are well acquainted with it and it is attached to them. It can be ended only with great difficulty. In other words, in order to discard it, on should have strong determination, high mental attitude, austere life and such like practices. Its end result is extremely troublesome. Such is the nature of the fourth adharm dvaar.
विवेचन : अब्रह्मचर्य इतना व्यापक है कि देवों, दानवों, मनुष्यों एवं तिर्यंचों में इसका एकच्छत्र साम्राज्य है। 5 यहाँ तक कि जीवों में सबसे हीन संज्ञा वाले एकेन्द्रिय जीव भी इसके घेरे से बाहर नहीं हैं। हरि, हर, ब्रह्मा आदि से लेकर कोई भी शूरवीर पुरुष ऐसा नहीं है जो कामवासना - अब्रह्मचर्य के अधीन न हो। यदि किसी पर इसका वश नहीं चल पाता तो वह केवल वीतराग-जिन ही हैं, अर्थात् जिसने राग का समूल उन्मूलन कर दिया है, जो वासना से सर्वथा रहित हो गया है वही पुरुषपुंगव अब्रह्मचर्य के फन्दे से बच सका है।
इसी कारण प्रस्तुत पाठ में उसे 'दुरंतं' कहा है किन्तु 'अनंतं' नहीं कहा, अर्थात् यह नहीं कहा कि उसका अन्त नहीं हो सकता। हाँ, अब्रह्मचर्य पर पूर्ण विजय पाने के लिए तप और संयम में दृढ़ता होनी चाहिए। ध्यान, समाधि और वीतरागता द्वारा काम को जीता जा सकता है।
Elaboration-Non-celibacy (Abrahm) is prevalent to such an extent that its domain extends to celestial beings, demon-gods, human beings and animal kingdom. Even the one-sensed living beings, the development of whose faculties are at a very low ebb, are also not beyond its field. Even the gods such as Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma are a prey to lust (non-celibacy). Only Jinas (the controllers of all senses) are beyond its scope. In other words only that person can save himself from its
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