In 11 m
strikes against the rising hills protruding in the sea. The sea water flows F heavily. The sea is full to the brim due to the rivers like Ganga and
others that flow in it. The aquatic animals and the water currents moving about in its gigantic circular movement feel disturbed. They jump up and down. The sea is full of extremely dreadful, disturbed currents rising in it. The crocodiles, tortoise and sea lions, large fishes, gharials, sunsumar, shvaapad and other aquatic animals strike against each other and run in order to devouver the other aquatic creatures. So the sea becomes extremely dreadful. The persons with weak heart tremble at its very sight. It is extremely frightening and produces fear every moment. It creates extreme restlessness. Nobody can locate its banks and the end. It appears to be in existence without any support like
the sky. Due to the influence of the winds arsing in it, the currents rise F majestically one after the other and disturb the vision.
In that sea a sound appears. It roars like the roaring rain clouds. It is F like the one created by vyantar gods. It is extremely dreadful. It is like
echoing sound heard upto a great distance. It is full of thousands of disturbances created by angry Vyantar gods like Yakshas, Rakshas, Kushmand, Pishaach who cause panic every moment. It is frequented by the traders who trade through the sea continuously with boats and ships. They worship the sea through animal sacrifice, yajna and incense and further by offering blood. The sea is as at the time of doomsday and it is extremely difficult to cross it. It is extremely dreadful as it is the master of Ganga and others. The travel in it is full of several dangers and troubles. It is very difficult to enter in it. It is extremely difficult to cross it. It is full of troubles to depend on it. It is full of salty water.
The sea robbers with black and white flags raised high move in it at a very fast speed in order to rob the travellers. They attack the ships of the traders with ships equipped with sails at the centre of the sea and destroy them.
विवेचन : कभी-कभी दूर से देखने में सागर शान्त दृष्टिगोचर होता है, किन्तु किस क्षण वह भयंकर रौद्र प्रलयकारी रूप धारण कर लेगा, यह निश्चय करना कठिन है। आधुनिक काल में जब मौसम, आँधी-तूफान आदि को पहले ही सूचित कर देने वाले अनेक प्रकार के साधन-यन्त्र आदि आविष्कृत हो चुके हैं और जलयान भी अत्यधिक क्षमता वाले सभी साधनों से सुसज्जित हो चुके हैं, तब भी अनेकों यान डूबते रहते हैं। लाखों
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| श्रु.१, तृतीय अध्ययन : अदत्तादान आश्रव
( 143 )
Sh.1, Third Chapter: Stealing Aasrava
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