(6) It never happened, is not happening and will never happen that Lok (universe or occupied space) becomes Alok (the space beyond or unoccupied space) and Alok becomes Lok.
(7) It never happened, is not happening and will never happen that! Lok enters Alok and Alok enters Lok
(8) As far as Lok exists Jiva does and as far as Jiva exists Lok does.
(9) As far as the gatiparyaya (movement or passage) of Jiva and pudgal (matter) is, exists Lok and as far as the Lok is, exists gatiparyaya (movement or passage) of Jiva and pudgal (matter).
(10) At all the edges of the Lok the rough particles of matter convert all the other abaddha parshvasprisht (unattached but touching) particles into rough particles restricting their movement beyond the edge of universe. In other words due to the acquired roughness (rukshata) and absence of the entity of motion (Dharmastikaya) soul and matter can not go beyond the Lok.
The aforesaid ten conditions exist in the Lok due to natural law. This is Lok-sthiti or state of the occupied space.
इन्द्रियार्थ-पद INDRIYARTH-PAD (SEGMENT OF SUBJECTS OF SENSE ORGANS) २. दसविहे सद्दे पण्णत्ते, तं जहा
णीहारि पिडिमे लुक्खे, भिण्णे जज्जरिते इ य।
दीहे रहस्से पुहत्ते य, काकणी खिंखिणिस्सरे॥१॥ (संग्रह-गाथा) २. शब्द दस प्रकार का है, जैसे-(१) निर्हारी-घण्टे से निकलने वाला घोषवान् (गूंजने वाला) ॐ शब्द। (२) पिण्डिम-घोष-रहित नगाड़े का शब्द। (३) रूक्ष-काक ध्वनि के समान कर्कश शब्द।। + (४) भिन्न-वस्तु के टूटने या छेदन-भेदन से होने वाला शब्द। (५) जर्जरित-तार वाले बाजे का शब्द।।
(६) दीर्घ-दूर तक सुनाई देने वाला मेघ गर्जना जैसा शब्द। (७) ह्रस्व-सूक्ष्म या थोड़ी दूर तक सुनाई म देने वाला वीणादि का शब्द। (८) पृथक्-अनेक बाजों का संयुक्त शब्द। (९) काकणी-सूक्ष्म कण्ठों से
निकली गीत ध्वनि का शब्द। (१०) किंकिणीस्वर-धुंघरुओं की ध्वनि रूप शब्द। 451 2. Shabd (sound) is of ten kinds—(1) Nirhari-resonant sound
produced by a gong. (2) Pindim-non-resonant sound produced by a drum. (3) Rooksha-harsh sound like that of a crow. (4) Bhinna-breakin or shattering sound. (5) Jarjarit-sound of a stringed instrument. (6) Deergh-far reaching sound like thunder of a cloud. (7) Hrasva-sound covering a short distance like that of a Vina. (8) Prithak--combined sound
स्थानांगसूत्र (२)
___Sthaananga Sutra (2) |
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