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555555555555555555555555555555555555g 4 higher level to a point diagonally opposite at lower level in a different 4 4 plane, it will move in one direction at the same level during the first si
Samaya. During the second Samaya it will take a turn and move ? downward in a straight line to the level of the destined spot. During the third Samaya it will again take a turn and move towards the destined spot now at the same level. This movement takes three Samayas and two turns. Three dimensions are involved here and it appears like
(4) Ekatah-khaha shreni-When the soul of an immobile being enters the Tras-nadi (the central spine of the Lok or occupied space where living beings exist) from left and after taking two or three turns to reach
the destined spot on its right or left side, it touches the outer space on i one side only. Therefore this is called Ekatah-khaha shreni. I or shaped.
(5) Dvito-vakraa shreni-When a soul leaves an area at the western edge of the lok in the middle world and moves to a spot at the eastern edge of the lok in the middle world it touches the outer space on both
sides. Therefore this is called Dvitah-khaha shreni. It is double-hook. Hi or shaped. 4 (6) Chakravala shreni-A circular movement is called Chakravala 4 shreni. Like O .
(7) Ardhachakravala shreni-A semi-circular movement is called Ardhachakravala shreni. Like . The last two types are associated with matter only, and not soul. (for more details refer to Bhagavati Sutra, Shatak 25)
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3-fan-37-ftehera-47 ANIKA-ANIKADHIPATI-PAD
(SEGMENT OF ARMY AND COMMANDER) . ११३. चमरस्स णं असुरिंदस्स असुरकुमाररण्णो सत्त अणिया, सत्त अणियाधिपती ॐ पण्णत्ता, तं जहा-पायत्ताणिए, पीढाणिए, कुंजराणिए, महिसाणिए, रहाणिए, णट्टाणिए, गंधव्याणिए।
[दुमे पायत्ताणियाधिवती, सोदामे आसराया पीढाणिाधिवती, कुंथू हत्थिराया # कुंजराणियाधिवती, लोहितक्खे महिसाणियाधिवती ], किण्णरे रधाणियाधिवती, रिटे + णट्टाणियाधिवती, गीतरती गंधव्याणियाधिवती।
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सप्तम स्थान
Seventh Sthaan
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