נ ת תנוב ובתנ ת
נ ת
נ נ ת ת ת ת ת ת ת ת ת ת
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ת ת ת ת
Subjects related to the numeral seven are compiled in the Seventh Sthaan. Although the central theme of Jain Agams is the code of religious conduct, they contain discussions about a variety of numerous other topics. This Sthaan contains information on many topics including philosophical, geographical, astrological, historical and mythological
In order to get liberated from the cycles of rebirths it is essential to strive for right perception/faith, knowledge, and conduct. An ordinary individual cannot take to the path of spiritual endeavour without some basis or help. For this purpose the Tirthankars established the sangh (religious organization). The responsibility of properly managing the sangh was entrusted to an experienced acharya who was equally proficient in social customs. While sincerely disposing his duties a time y comes when such on acharya feels that while continuing to shoulder the
responsibilities of the sangh it was hardly possible to pursue the goal of spiritual F purity and it was time to proceed for higher practices. He then leaves the gana
(organization) and goes to some accomplished acharya or into isolation to devote all his time to spiritual practices. To leave a gana to pursue spiritual practices is called gana-apakraman. This is the first topic discussed in this Sthaan.
In order to practice ahimsa and aparigraha it is essential to be free of all ki fear. Cause of such fear is fondness for one's body and other connected things. Fi This fact is explained with seven kinds of fear.
It is essential for an aspirant to develop a discerning attitude about speech, he should know what words he should utter and what not. With this he is also supposed to know about the seven kinds of noble and ignoble modesty. An
immodest person cannot achieve the desired goal. Therefore, it is necessary to fi know about types of noble modesty and instill them in conduct.
In politics seven kinds of punitive policy is valid. With the upsurge of villainy and decline of self-discipline in human society the penal codes became tougher. The gradual progress of this is presented in the seven kinds of punitive policy. The evolution of social system and system of governance is reflected in these seven policies.
Besides these topics this chapter also contains descriptions related to biology, cosmology, castes, standpoints, postures, mountains, seven pravachan nihnava
and seven Samudghat. Detailed description of seven musical notes provides fi insight into musicology.
ת ת
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सप्तम स्थान
Seventh Sthaan
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