चित्र परिचय ९
ऋद्धिमान मनुष्य
विशिष्ट ऋद्धि वाले मनुष्य छह प्रकार के हैं
(१) अरिहंत देव, (२) चक्रवर्ती, (३) बलदेव, (४) वासुदेव, (५) चारण- (तपोजनित विशेष प्रकार के ऋद्धि सम्पन्न श्रमण, और (६) विद्याधर ।
चारण ऋद्धि अनेक प्रकार की होती है। जैसे
जंघाचारण-जंघा पर हाथ रखकर भूमि से चार अंगुल ऊपर चलने की शक्ति ।
धूमचारण-धुएँ के पीछे-पीछे गमन करने की शक्ति ।
श्रेणिचारण-पर्वत श्रेणि के ऊपर-ऊपर चलने की शक्ति |
आकाशगमन - पद्मासन आदि में बैठकर आकाश में गमन करने की क्षमता । कामरूपित्व-छोटे-बड़े मनचाहे रूप बनाने की क्षमता।
विद्याधर- कुल क्रमागत विद्या बल से आकाश आदि में गमन करने वाले।
Illustration No. 9
Persons with (Vishisht) riddhi (wealth of paranormal abilities) are of six kinds
(1) Arhant, (2) Chakravarti, (3) Baladeva, (4) Vaasudeva, (5) Chaaran (endowed with paranormal abilities acquired through austerities), and (6) Vidyadhar.
However, the chaaran powers are only acquired by ascetics highly austere ascetics through their vigorous austerities. Explaining the term chaaran, the commentator (Vritti) mentions two words janghachaaran and vidyachaaran. Those who acquire the ability to move about hovering with the support of water, thighs (in sitting posture), flower etc. are called janghachaaran. Those who acquire the capability to fly in the sky are called vidyachaaran.
Jain Education International
- स्थान ६, सूत्र २१
Janghachaaran-the power to move about four Anguls above ground just by placing his palm on his thigh.
Dhoomchaaran-the power to move about with smoke without touching it. Shrenichaaran-the power to move about over mountain ranges without touching them.
Akashgaman-the power to move about in sky in different postures including lotus pose.
Kaamrupitva-the power to acquire desired forms, large or small.
Vidyadhar-those who have various special powers including movement in the sky. These are family-inherited powers.
-Sthaan 6, Sutra 21
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