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ॐ का निजी है और उसके द्वारा उपयोग में लिया हुआ है तो मैं याचना करूँगा, अन्यथा नहीं। (४) मेरे ॥
लिए उद्दिष्ट पात्र यदि दाता का निजी है, उपभुक्त है और उसके द्वारा छोड़ने त्याग देने के योग्य है तो मैं * याचना करूँगा, अन्य नहीं। ४. स्थान-प्रतिमा के चार प्रकार
(१) कायोत्सर्ग, ध्यान और स्वाध्याय के लिए मैं जिस उपाश्रय में ठहरा हूँ, उस स्थान का आश्रय लूँगा, वहाँ पर ही मैं हाथ-पैर पसारूँगा, वहीं पर सीमित-विचरण करूँगा और भीत आदि का सहारा ॐ लूँगा, अन्यथा नहीं। (२) स्वीकृत स्थान में ठहरूँगा, किन्तु इधर-उधर नहीं घूमूंगा। (३) स्वीकृत स्थान में भी भींत आदि का सहारा नहीं लूंगा। (४) स्वीकृत स्थान में भी मैं न हाथ-पैर पसारूँगा, न भित्ति
आदि का सहारा लूँगा, न पाद-विचरण करूँगा। किन्तु जैसा कायोत्सर्ग, पद्मासन या अन्य आसन से + स्थिर होऊँगा, नियत काल तक तथैव स्थिर रहूँगा।
____Elaboration-An ascetic seeks bed, dress, begging-bowl and place of stay according to his needs. However, he further limits these by taking various special resolves. Only their name have been mentioned here. On the basis of Ayar-chula the commentator (Tika) has described them as follows
(a) Shayya-pratimas (special codes and resolutions related to bed)
An ascetic resolves that—(1) I will accept only a bed that is specifically meant for me, not otherwise. (2) I will accept only a bed which I see and which is specifically meant for me, not otherwise. (3) I will accept only a bed that is specifically meant for me and is lying in the
house of a shayyatar (person who provides facilities for staying 41 overnight), not otherwise. (4) I will accept only a bed that is specifically meant for me and is ready for use in ordinary course, not otherwise.
(b) Vastra-pratimas (special codes and resolutions related to dress)
An ascetic resolves that(1) I will seek only a dress that is specifically meant for me, not any other. (2) I will seek only a dress # which I see and which is specifically meant for me, not any other. (3) I i will seek only a dress that is specifically meant for me and has already
been used by the shayyatar, not any other. (4) I will seek only a dress y that is specifically meant for me and is worth discarding by the
shayyatar, not any other.
चतुर्थ स्थान
Fourth Sthaan
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