41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 456 457 455 456 45 46 47 46 45 44 455 456 457 454 455 456 457 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 45 45
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426. Nirgranthas (male ascetics) are of four kinds—(1) In spite of ki being a ratnik (senior in terms of period of initiation) some Shraman
Nirgranth (Jain ascetic) is dharma-anaradhak (religious transgressor; one who does not properly follow the religious path) because of being mahakarma (having long lasting bondage of karmas), mahakriya (one who indulges in rigorous penance for a long period), anataapi (devoid of austerities) and asamit (devoid of samitis or self-regulation).
(2) Some ratnik (senior in terms of period of initiation) Shraman Nirgranth is dharma-aradhak (one who immaculately follows the \ religious path) because of being alpakarma (having short lived bondage
of karmas), alpakriya (one who indulges in rigorous penance for a short 4 period), ataapi (observer of austerities) and samit (observer of samitis or self-regulation).
(3) Some avamaratnik (with a short period of initiation) Shraman Nirgranth is dharma-anaradhak because of being mahakarma, 4 mahakriya, anataapi and asamit.
(4) Some avamaratnik Shraman Nirgranth is dharma-aradhak ¥ because of being alpakarma, alpakriya, ataapi and samit.
427. Nirgranthis are of four kinds—This relates to female ascetics. * Substituting nirgranthi (female ascetic) for nirgranth (male ascetic), the
text of aphorism 426 should be repeated verbatim. \i 48124—3774774-40114144-46 MAHATKARMA-ALPAKARMA-SHRAMANOPASAK-PAD (SEGMENT OF ASCETICS WITH LONG AND SHORT DURATION OF KARMAS)
४२८. चत्तारि समणोवासगा पण्णत्ता, तं जहा(१) राइणिए समणोवासए महाकम्मे तहेव ४। [ महाकिरिए अणायावी असमिते धम्मस्स TORTENT afat ]1 .. (२) [ राइणिए समणोवासए अप्पकम्मे अप्पकिरिए आतावी समिए धम्मस्स आराहए भवति ।
(३) [ ओमराइणिए समणोवासए महाकम्मे महाकिरिए अणातावी असमिते धम्मस्स 3RBT alat ]1
Sthaananga Sutra (1)
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