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___ in mind). (4) Mrig and sankirna man-some elephant ismrig (deer-like
by birth) and sankirna man (having mixed attributes of mind). T In the same way purush (men) are of four kinds-(1) Mrig and
bhadra man. (2) Mrig and mand man. (3) Mrig and mrig man. (4) Mrig and sankirna man.
240. Hasti (elephant) are of four kinds-(4) (1) Sankirna and bhadra man-some elephant is sankirna (of mixed breed by birth) and bhadra
man (excellent in mind). (2) Sankirna and mand man-some elephant is sankirna (by birth) and mand man (mediocre in mind). (3) Sankirna and mrig man-some elephant is sankirna (by birth) and mrig man (deerlike in mind). (4) Sankirna and sankirna man--some elephant is sankirna (by birth) and sankirna man (having mixed attributes of mind).
In the same way purush (men) are of four kinds—(1) Sankirna of mixed breed and bhadra man excellent mind. (2) Sankirna and mand man mediocre mind. (3) Sankirna and mrig man. (4) Sankirna of mixed breed and sankirna man.
विवेचन-वृषभ की तरह स्थलचर प्राणियों में हाथी भी उत्तम और मंगल रूप माना जाता है। स्वाभिमान, दीर्घदर्शिता, विवेक, धीरता आदि अनेक गुणों से उसकी ख्याति है। स्वप्न में हाथी देखना मंगलकारी है। हाथी को चार भंगों में विभक्त कर यहाँ उसके साथ मनुष्य की तुलना की गई है।
Elaboration-Like bull, elephant is also considered good and 4 auspicious among terrestrial beings. It is well known for its grace, farsightedness, balance, poise and many other good qualities. It is auspicious to see an elephant in one's dream. It has been compared here with man by a qualitative classification into four categories. हस्ति-लक्षण की संग्रहणी गाथाएँ (COLLATIVE VERSES OF CHARACTERISTIC OF ELEPHANT)
मधुगुलिय-पिंगलक्खो, अणुपुब-सुजाय-दीहणंगूलो। पुरओ उदग्गधीरो, सव्वंगसमाधितो भद्दो॥१॥ चल-वहल-विसम-चम्मो, थूलसिरो थूलएण पेएण। थूलणह-दंतवालो, हरिपिंगल-लोयणो मंदो॥२॥ तणुओ तणुयग्गीवो, तणुयतओ तणुयदंत-णहवालो। भीरु तत्थुब्बिग्गो, तासी य भवे मिए णामं॥३॥ एतेसिं हत्थीणं थोवा थोवं, तु जो अणुहरति हत्थी। रूवेण व सीलेण व, सो संकिण्णोत्ति णायव्वो॥४॥
चतुर्थ स्थान
Fourth Sthaan
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